How to report OS bugs?


I recently noticed a bug in finder, to do with dates. Poking round the site there doesn't seem to be a central bugzilla type location to report bugs. Is there some recognized way to provide this kind of feedback?
Make sure you put in:
- Which version of Mac OS X you're running, including build and language/localisation.
- What program the error is in. ie: "Finder"
- What the error is.
- Exactly where the error occurs, and if possible steps you might take to "produce" the error.
- Your hardware, where it might apply.
If this bug is in the core code, couldn't mark download the Darwin code, fix the bug, and then send the corrected code back to Apple? Isn't that how open source works? (just curious)
But it would take me the rest of my life to become a kernel hacker ;) . I'm just a humble database application developer, using Delphi which shield me from the mess underneath. Not that I'm saying that Darwin is such a mess, but even so, much as I'd like to it's a bit beyond me.