[HOW TO] rip DVD's to iPod

I downloaded quicktime pro but haven't used it for the iPod i have use Handbrake it works great haven't had any problems (there are some setting you have to know you can look them up online or i believe they have Handbrake lite which is all set for iPod videos)
good luck

I had that problem as well. I fixed it when I changed the framerate to 24fps; then it worked just fine.

However (and maybe this is just me), I used this method to rip some music videos from DVD (one I owned!) and the process worked fine; everything imported to my iPod, but every 20 seconds or so there's a slight hiccup in audio. It's annoying enough where I'm not going to rip any more videos until I figure this out.

Anyone have any ideas?

Is there a hiccup in the _video_ at the same frame also? If not, maybe you have to look at those 24fps again... What was the framerate _before_ you changed it? What are you using to rip? (handbrake?)
Yes (using Handbrake), the hiccup occurred at the default frame rate as well (I don't know what that is offhand). 24fps fixed the import problem as stated above, but the hiccup was always present after I changed several of the variables after initially using the default: H.264 vs. MPEG-4, frame rates, even played with the audio. Other interesting things happened, but never could fix the hiccup.

Would hardware be an issue? Mac Mini 512MB RAM, superdrive.

I have a concert on dvd that I want on my shuffle, without video. Any advice would be appricated.

The advice I'm providing I have not personally tried.

Use MacTheRipper to rip the DVD to your hard drive, then use HandBrake to convert video from DVD to iPod (you can read the directions - 320 X 240 works well or 320 X ZZZ works well for wide screen). Once the video file is complete and in mp4 format, use QuickTime Pro to save the file in ONLY audio fomat. After the file is created, use iTunes to transfer the movie to your iPod.

Personal Rant: DO NOT STEAL MUSIC OR MOVIES. Don't 'borrow' movies from friends and family to rip to your iPod or to your hard drive. The RIAA and MPAA are rather unfriendly groups, you don't want to learn how unfriendly from first-hand experience. Use good judgement.
I have using Cucusoft iPod Video Converter Suite to help me putting my favorite dvd and video onto my ipod for a long time , it works pretty good . I download it at oursdownload.com , I think it can help you too .
You've revived an old thread to spam? But to answer the question correctly, handbrake can be downloaded for free here: http://handbrake.m0k.org/ ... Apparently, the handbrake project and the mediafork projected have merged by now.