I'm enjoying it. I'll say 8 overall.
Spotlight has saved me hours already searching my 5 drives, but I think it needs work and more options to be useful in all search situations. Speaking of search, it isn't the only way to find things. I mean, some people do still navigate through directories and I still miss the old Apple Menu. I have used Fruit Menu for years now and I can't live without it. 8/10
Dashboard. Well, I am getting used to it and the weird way it runs. I was a fan of Sherlock and actually used it all the time, before the support for it seemed to just drop off the face of the earth. I want my local movies back!

I am a big fan of client apps like this that give me data from anywhere without a browser. With Sherlock eBay was better than using the eBay site! I think that says something! 6/10
I have worked with people with disabilities and I was really looking forward to VoiceOver to take the Mac back to being the machine for people with disabilities. However, I do not think Apple is there yet. The Mac is not an OS one equates to running only with a keyboard. Turn off your monitor and try VoiceOver. Then realize you have a distinct advantage by being able to visualize in your mind what is happening or where you want to go, what you want to do. Not saying Windows makes it easy in this area, but if I was blind, would I switch to a Mac? I'm not so sure. Needs more. 2/10
I was also excited about Automator, but I miss the old OS 9 (and 8 and 7, 6 even) days of QuicKeys. That app rocked and worked well with Applescrript, but when CE came out the OS X version the completely ruined a great thing. Automator is still falling short for me. I have to wonder what happened to all the great app designers at Apple. They are certainly not working on Pages either!

I also got iLife 05. Nothing too exciting there! 1/10 for the $.