I accidentally deleted iMovie!!!! PLEASE HELP!!

The Mac

I accidentally deleted it. I really need it. Please please help me find an iMovie for my imac g3. I'm panicking. i feel so stupid..... please help..


Version 10.3.9

Processor 400 Hz PowerPC G3

Memory 512MB SDRAM

80 GB HD
If you still have your system installation discs, you can use a program called Pacifist to grab iMovie from your installation discs.
i don't have it. I bought my imac used. Please help me. this is the only thing i do on my computer(video editing).
I believe that Apple has still made iMovie HD '06 available for free download if that's what you're using. As for the current version of iMovie, you might have to purchase iLife to get it again.
That would be illegal of us to do so as per the board rules on this forum. In all honesty, since you didn't have the software to begin with, you aren't really running that software legitimately. Not saying that you're being malicious, but it's per the licensing agreement with the OEM software that comes with the OEM disc of OS X on each system. Usually, you have to purchase iLife in order to have iMovie, iDVD, and all the other stuff included on the OEM discs of a system. This is why the retail version of OS X does not come with application software...it's just the OS.
That's strange because the requirement there says at least 10.3.9 (view the attachment). :confused:


  • iMovieHD06.jpg
    48.5 KB · Views: 5
At this point if it's not working, you have no other recourse than to purchase iLife. That version should have worked, but apparently it's not on your Mac. Could it be that you don't meet the hardware requirements for iMovie HD 06?

You can also try to see about purchasing a copy of iLife (preferably the version you were using on your Mac) from either eBay or Craigslist. That's the best I can tell you, really.