I don't have iPhoto!


Well, since I did a clean install for Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.3, I no longer have iPhoto because I don't have iLife..which is very disappointing because iPhoto is an extremely important program to me.

I was wondering if someone could tell me how to install iPhoto using one of my older versions of OS CDs because I had 10.2.8 before I installed Tiger and 10.2.8 HAD iPhoto, unlike the Tiger DVD.
Or if somehow I could install iPhoto without having to buy iLife!

Thanks :]
Lola said:
I was wondering if someone could tell me how to install iPhoto using one of my older versions of OS CDs because I had 10.2.8 before I installed Tiger and 10.2.8 HAD iPhoto, unlike the Tiger DVD.

Pacifist should do it.
yes, dusky is right, Pacifict is about the only way. It's an application that allows you to see inside package files (those brown box icons that you double-click to launch an installer, such as Mac OS x 10.2). Once inside you can navogate the folder structure to find a single application to pull out. This can be tricky, as there are billions of other files you need to sift your way through.

Not sure where iLife is located inside the package, but hopefully it isn't too difficult. I've never tried it, so I'm not certin how simple it is.

Post back her eif any problems.