I have sold my iMac 17"...


The Most Stupid Member
Dear all, I have finally sold my iMac 17"... why? I want to have a laptop for school (and I should not have sold my PowerBook G4 667 last summer...). and I can work on my freelance jobs during school time. But guess what? I will buy the new PowerBook G4 12". I am in Hong Kong and the shop says they will receive the new PowerBook G4 12" by next week! I can't wait.

And I am luckily to sell my iMac at US$1540... while some rumors say the new iMac will come out soon! :)

Btw, I am writing on a Dell Latitude laptop which is borrowed from school... PIII 500, 64MB, Windows 2000... Oh well...
Heehee... I will get the 17.4" LCD too... But have to wait after the Chinese New Year until I get enough Red Pocket Money :p are you guys jealous of Chinese culture now? ;)
not bad to lose only 400ish dollars off a used computer. although it's only been about... 6 months since they came out.

still, good luck on the new mac!
I was worried at first, ddma.. :)

I knew you were too smart, though, to quit Apple forever....and dare I say...too addicted like the rest of us? :)

I want a Powerbook, too....badly..
why not just keep the mac you guys have now and save up and wait to get the powerbook?

that way - you have the best of both worlds. i'd like to have 2 macs any day.
I used to have 2 Mac when I was still in the age of snow white iBook 500... I had iMac 400 (Slot loading) at the same time :)

But then, I sold both Macs and get the PowerBook 667. That's the begining of my single-Mac life :) anyway, I don't have enough money so I have to sell one and get one.

I am stupid, but I won't get a Dell (with my own money)! And I am stupid, but I won't quit Apple yet. Haven't used Windows for a while and now I feel frustrated with its task bar and things... Oh well... I will reswitch again soon.

New word: Re-Switch-er.
Personally, I'd rather have one really good Mac than 2 so-so Macs. But then again, all I have is an eMac so I shouldn't talk. :p
eMac looks good enough to me. . .

I know a college art professor who requested a dual 1 ghz Power Mac from the university -- the first Mac he's requested in a decade. They gave him an eMac!

I do love my adjustable screen though!

Waaaaay back I had a Performa 630 upgraded to PowerPC (66 MHz 601 processor upgrade, that's a G1 for the 'newbies'). ;)

Then I also bought a PowerBook 520c, and guess what happened: Although the Performa was more powerful, had more RAM and a bigger harddrive, I've basically stopped using it. It had a TV card, and watching TV was its only purpose until I sold it.

If you DO use a mobile Mac, your desktop will become unused is what I learned. The only PowerMac I've ever had since was a 8200 that I used for LAN games, because the PowerBooks of the time tended to be too slow. (I still bought a 5300ce, because I am a writer and can't live without writing on the road...)

So: The BEST thing you can do, I think, is to sell your desktop Macs, buy a PowerBook or iBook and a cheapo PC. Make sure it comes WITHOUT a Windows license (we don't want to help them, right?) and play with Linux. You can also use that as a backup server for the OS X machine. The good point about it: You learn. You learn the console, which helps you master Mac OS X, too. You learn 'computers' in General, which might someday help you getting a (better) job. They're also cheap, you can upgrade them for much less money (processor).
Originally posted by ddma
Dear all! I have just received my PowerBook 12" :) Luv it!!!

...post LOADS of pics here so we will drool over the little beaty?

i saw the title of this and I was sure he sold the 17 imac to get the 17 powerbook... boy was i surprised...

what do people think about the size of the 17 powerbook.... will it be too much to carry around?
I saw the 17" PowerBook in real before I bought the 12". It is too big for me... 6.8lbs... you can try other PC laptops if you unsure what's 6.8lbs. But I think it is great if you need a desktop replacement especially graphic designer. But for me, a student and a freelace web programmer/designer... 12" with external monitor would be better... I can put it in my backbag and take it to school. Go home and connect to a 17" LCD for work. :) I think you should see the real thing before you buy... Otherwise, you will be SURPIRSED!
the 17" is huge. i think anyone who bought it thinking it would be portable is going to be in for a big surprise. it'll be an awesome desktop replacement that you can easily move within your house though.
With the right bag, it's gonna be okay. The weight isn't more than comparable PC desktop replacement notebooks. Come to think of it, there ARE no comparable notebooks. And those who think they are weigh more. ;)
The weight is comparable with those PC desktop replacement notebooks do not mean it is suitable for daily mobility, right? I think it is great for desktop replacement instead of travelling with it from school to home or work to home. It would be great if you just need to travel with it (SOME) times, for instance, you have several homes.
I think that Apple went with this beast just to pioneer something that others will copy sooner or later ;)

But, anyways, I would like them to go with something MORE exotic, like:
-Faster G4 or...
-...Dual G4s or even G3s :eek:
-Even better 15.2 or 15.4 display
-Faster and bigger hard disk
-Longer battery life
-Faster SuperDrive
-Slimmer design therefore less weight?
-More colors to select from
-Another Firewire800 port
-USB2 just for the fun of it

And THEN it would be by FAR the best portable out there, wouldn't?

Ok, I can stop dreaming now :D
damn.... i don't know what to do... i have the 17 on order... think about cancelling it everyday!

would love an updated 15 inch... is buying an leftover 15 a bad idea?