S sneyders Registered Jun 18, 2006 #1 I need the help of the experts here. I want to manage all my data into a smart system that I can easily browse, do searches and look for links between the data. Thx
I need the help of the experts here. I want to manage all my data into a smart system that I can easily browse, do searches and look for links between the data. Thx
camgangrel21 Mac Programer Jun 18, 2006 #2 Mindjet MindManager 6 Mindjet MindManager 6 is the market leading productivity software for visualizing and managing information, allowing individuals and teams to more effectively think, plan, and collaborate.
Mindjet MindManager 6 Mindjet MindManager 6 is the market leading productivity software for visualizing and managing information, allowing individuals and teams to more effectively think, plan, and collaborate.
Cat Registered Jun 19, 2006 #3 You could try StickyBrain or the more advanced (and expensive) DevonThink
S sneyders Registered Jun 22, 2006 #4 Freemind ... available both on Mac and PC Fantastic stuff and simple