i need help


I have a mac ibook os x 10.2.4 Power PC G3 900MHz prosser speed, 256~Mb memory. and im new to mac the internet works i have to use fire fox but wen i go to youtube or play poker on facebook it says i need flash player ive followed instructions and it dosent work i also get a notice saying pmac error 95 (no mountible files) i wouldnt have a clue what that means can someone help me please. also when i go to youtube it says "Your browser is no longer supported please update to a modern verson" It gives me 4 options Safari,Opera,Firefox and google chrome ive tryed them all except Google chrome cause i got told that dosent work on mac only Windows. And the safari one says only fo mac snow leopard 5.0.3 and leopard 5.0.3. any otherones i can try`? i just tryed to do opera again and it nearly worked then the box pops up Error 95 No mountable files whats with that?
Your OS and your ram are outdated for todays internet.You'll need to update your ram to 640mb,the max and update your OS to 10.4.11,the highest you can go on this particular machine.OS 10.2.4 is obsolete now,thats why you have been getting all those warning messages and 256 mb of ram is just not enough for any of OSX's let alone adding flash to the mix.Updated you can still run a fairly modern browser,Safari 4,Camino 2 or Firefox.But beware today's flash sometimes can be a strain on a G3 processor,so don't expect it to be blazing fast!
I second the recommendation to upgrade the RAM and to upgrade the OS to 10.4.11. You'll have a much better experience. The only other issue you might encounter is the lack of application support on 10.4.x since most developers have been moving to supporting 10.5 at the least, and that might also change once Lion's released. Still, there are enough developers supporting 10.4.11. You might want to look at TenFourFox as a solution for Firefox 4 on Tiger. They also have binaries optimized specifically for your CPU.
