I think I have a problem.


But I'm not sure. This evening I clicked on my network icon and found a new alias that I didn't create. When I try to open it I get," cannot open because original cannot be found ", when I try to trash it , I get " you do not have permission ". I checked the permissions, and they are OK.
This may not be related, but in my search I checked the activity monitor and found a process running with the user name "nobody", which I also did not create.
Nobody else ( not even the unknown user above :D ) has access to my computers, the network consists of
G5 DP 2 Gig - Panther 10.3.2
G4 DP 400Mh - 9.2.2
G3 350Mh - Jaguar

Thank you in advance for any enlightment.
P.S. You may be tempted to think because of these computers, 2 Epson 13" printers, and a very large list of peripherals, that I know something about computers,
I'm assuming you're talking about the G5 here (lucky SOB... oh sorry). There's a couple things you can try:

1) Click on the alias and push Cmd-R. This should point you back to the oRiginal item.

2) Open Terminal, type sudo rm -f (yes, including the space), drag the alias to the Terminal window, push return, and enter your password. It should get rid of it.

3) See what happens if you kill the process. If it's not obvious from Activity Monitor, open a Terminal window and type "top". Open another window and type sudo kill # and replace # with the PID (process ID) of the nobody account in top. Enter your password and you're done.
"I'm assuming you're talking about the G5 here (lucky SOB... oh sorry)."
Yes, but I drive a very rusty 1988 Ford pickup truck. :D In life you must have priorities.
I killed the process and it just went away, so I ASSume I'm all right. :D
When I click on the alias and push CMD R it brings me to a log in screen for:
Filesystem Authentication
Work group
my user name
When I log in it says "cannot be opened because original cannot be found"
So, I'm about to enter---TERMINAL--- scarrrrrry, do I need special clothing, or tools, or something. :D
I'm reasonably certain that I can't kill all 3 of these computers with 1 stroke, so I'll let you know what happens.
Thank you very much for the help.
Yes, you'll need a kevlar vest, large plastic shield and a billy club... ;)

I highly doubt you'll bring all your computers down simply by killing one extraneous process. I managed to keep my iMac running once even after killing a number of the core processes OS X runs.
Well, I bought the vest and the shield, I have an old billy club,

When I launch ---TERMINAL--- I get a window a little bigger then the gel button, and it won't let me expand it, the corner refuses to drag out, when I go to terminal>window settings>window, it says 511 columns 5 rows, when I change this and hit save as default nothing happens, any changes I make don't change the apperance of this very small window, and are gone when I quit ---TERMINAL--- and relaunch it.
Along with the protection I need some missing knowledge.
Thanks again.

strange. try deleting Terminal prefs in ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist ...
Thanks for the try, but nothing changed. Is the dimension of 511 columns X 5 rows at least a starting point?

What exactly is the alias' name? Do you use a cable or DSL modem? Have you turned on/off any computers on the same network as the Mac?

It looks like that alias may be to a server of sorts that was once available on the network, but now is not. Sometimes this happens on cable modems, where large amounts of users share the same subnet, I think.
The alias' name is " ELKCONJOU ". Yes, I'm on cable modem, and nothing has been turned on/off in weeks. I'm more curious then concerned about the alias, because my concern has switched to why I can't get ---TERMINAL---(it's still scary) to work. I can only handle one concern at a time. :D

It sounds like someone on the same cable ISP as you came online with a few ports/sharing stuff turned on. That sounds like something a home user would name their machine.

It doesn't mean that the person actually connected to your computer, nor does it mean they could even get access to your computer. It just means that their machine, at one point in the recent past, came online on the same subnet as you -- which is quite common with cable modems. I don't think you'll be able to delete that alias -- it may mean that the user still exists on the subnet you're on and that their computer is still turned on and online. It shouldn't pose any threat to you.

As for the terminal, try this: open Terminal, and immediately select "Window Settings" from the Terminal menubar menu. In the "Terminal Inspector" window that pops up, select "Window" from the pull-down menu at the top of the window. Under "Dimensions:" set it for 80 columns and 24 rows, and immediately click the "Use Settings as Defaults" button at the bottom. Close the Inspector window, quit Terminal, and relaunch it. Those window settings should stick. The trick is to set the window settings immediately after launching Terminal -- don't type ANYTHING into the window, don't press any keys, just perform the Window size thing I just mentioned. If that doesn't work, come back for more help -- we'll go through the whole Terminal preferences and see what's causing that to happen.

See if this helps any:
ElDiabloConCaca said:
It sounds like someone on the same cable ISP as you came online with a few ports/sharing stuff turned on. That sounds like something a home user would name their machine.

It doesn't mean that the person actually connected to your computer, nor does it mean they could even get access to your computer. It just means that their machine, at one point in the recent past, came online on the same subnet as you -- which is quite common with cable modems. I don't think you'll be able to delete that alias -- it may mean that the user still exists on the subnet you're on and that their computer is still turned on and online. It shouldn't pose any threat to you.

Would having the firewall turned on prevent this from happening?
Looks like the subnet thing was a good call. I opened my network this morning and "ELKCONJOU"--- has left the building. Thanks.

Now for ---TERMINAL--- I tried what you told me, and it didn't work, when I relaunch it still is very small and the dimensions read 511 columns X 5 rows. Something is working though, when I go to processes and click "always", it now asks before closing. A very wierd thing is happening when I go to display, the text box reads, (null) followed by a different #, from -3, to as large as a 12 digit #, every time I come back to it, when I click on "Set Font" and click "save as default" nothing changes.

Thank you for your patients.
Cheryl said:
Would having the firewall turned on prevent this from happening?

Possibly -- if it did work, I would think that having "Personal File Sharing" and "Windows Sharing" unchecked with the firewall on may prevent others' machines from showing up, but I'm not sure... I'm pretty positive it would.

All the problems are gone ! ! !

The ---TERMINAL--- problem seems to have been caused by some sort of font problem. My G-3 is running Jaguar 10.2.8, so I checked all the window setting it is using, including what fonts were active, and set up the G-5 Panther 10.3.2 the same way and it now works just fine.

The mystery of "ELKCONJOU" has also been solved.
I share a cable connection with my neighbor through a Lynkses router, and he was going to surprise me with his new Windows computer. You should have seen the look on his face when I asked him why he named his new computer "ELKCONJOU".
The clue came when Cheryl asked about the firewall, I double checked mine and everything looked good, then I remembered that the router is also a firewall, and I can add simple numbers like 2+2 and come up with---- George did it. :D

I feel much better now.

Thank you everyone.