iBook CD-R/DVD Quit Working


Flaccid Member
I have an iBook (500 Mhz, Firewire Duel USB) with a CD-R/DVD and I was having problems reading DVD's for awhile and now I can't get it to mount a CD or DVD. I guess my real question here is weather or not this is a hardware issue. I'm running OSX and I've tried starting up under OS9 but still can't get the thing to work. HELP!
Easiest thing to do is try booting from a system disc. If the unit boots up then you know it's software, if it doesn't then it's hardware. Since it's having the problems in both os's I doubt it's software. You can also check your system profiler. If it sees the drive then it's probably a bad drive mech. If it doesn't see the drive it could be the logic board, cable, or the drive mech.
