iBook & eMac help

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Question 1

Hey guys, I am a high school teacher in South Carolina and discovered an eMac in our storage closet. I hooked it up and BAM it works great. I put 1gb of ram in it and it works great. My only question is can I update the OS at all? I am new to Apple computing but really like the feel of the OS even though its ancient.

The emac specs are - 800mhz, 1gb RAM, running OS 10.3.9. The unit has a CD reader only.

Question 2
I am considering buying a 12" iBook from gainsaver.com because they have a great deal on the base units starting at $138. Is this a wise choice for basic usage like web browsing or will it soon end up like the eMac I found? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
The eMac will run 10.4.11. But with only a cd rom you'll have to make an image of a 10.4.6 retail installer onto an external HD and do a firewire install. This is unless you can target disk mode a mac to it that has a dvd rom or better.

The ibook isn't worth it. Most are vintage and many I see have died horrible deaths due to logic board failures. Look for a macbook. Even a first generation macbook, most parts are interchangable with later macbooks. Plus macbooks break also, but are usually cheaper to fix because the cheaper parts are more prone to failure unlike the ibooks.
Any ideas on where to get a copy of 10.4.6 for a good price? I have only invested $32 in this machine so i'm wondering if its worth putting money into the new OS
Amazon, Ebay, Goodwill etc. The set of Mac OS X 10.4(.6) discs that you need is black in color, and has the word retail on the discs.
There are also other types of discs that you may find for sale, and that are not suitable: gray discs. Those are always CPU specific, and will only install to a specific model of Macs, produced in a limited time period (sometimes even just a few weeks).
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