iBook G4 White power problem.


The main problem is the fact that the motherboard has a 'hair thin' crack according to apple. However, buying a new motherboard is far to expensive right now, I am a student and so a working computer is pretty important for my work. Since I won't be able to buy a new computer for at least another 6 months I have been looking for a method to bypass the 'crack' and have a running computer. This I have found, but how to put this method into practice is the difficult part, which is why I am asking here.

The crack blocks the DC-in plug from powering the computer and from charging the battery. However, the computer runs perfectly fine when the battery powers the computer as this circuit seems to bypass the crack.
I was wondering if you could assist me in how I could power my laptop through the mains through the battery slot. Which would make it a portable desktop, even if I couldn't use a battery anymore, as long as I have a working computer.

Thank you in advance for any help,
Problem has increased slightly.. Computer no longer starts up or shows any reaction at all to inserting a working battery.

Thanks for your answer, I have been debating on doing that too, but the battery has some bug too, it only lasts 10 minutes on full charge.

Grateful for any more ideas, thanks
Find the new MLB at ebay or somewhere else for cheap and replace it yourself, or sell the Mac for parts and get a new(er) working one. As a student, you need a working computer.
Thanks for your answer Giaguara, that seems like the only possible thing left to do, the only problem with that is the cost, the cheapest working one seems to cost at least $499 which I can't really afford.. Thats why I'm looking for alternate solutions. But as it seems the cheapest would be to buy a new laptop as soon as possible..
hairline crack?
Sounds like a job for wire and solder. If all you have to do is bridge the hairline crack, a competent technician should be able to scrape the board and tack a strand of copper to it.
altf4: Thats an amazing price for a MLB, I've been looking for one thats less than $100, think you could find the same thing for a 14" for me?
The only ones i found for 14" G4's are all around $150-300 or in a similar condition to mine..

pds: How many people nowadays would fix something that hard to find? :p It's difficult to find a competent technician around my area. Good idea though..

I think I'll keep checking on cheap logic boards on ebay or google, maybe I'll get lucky and find a cheap working one..
Thanks for all the advice.
In my corner of the universe, it is very common. I guess scarcity is the mother of invention - here in Egypt; Waste not want not. You may not have "technicians" who can do it in your corner, but you should be able to find an electronics hobbyist. I'd recommend DIY, but only at your own risk.

The crack - if that's what it is - should be very localized in the area of the power connector. I imagine it's not in the board, but in the strip on the board (because it seemingly doesn't effect any other circuit).

Of course if it's actually a different problem, like a thryristor switch - you may be SOL.