iCal Problems


The Lone Deranger
iCal has been having some problems lately:

  • When I drag an event to another date, the program suddenly only allows me to interact with that specific event, I can't click other events or empty days at all. Also, when I go to iCal--->Quit iCal, that selection is grayed out.
  • When I'm in month view and I press the <- or -> arrows, it always pauses at January and once I've pressed -> twice in a row, it finally skips January and goes to the adjascent month (Feb. or Dec.)

I've tried changing the events from "all-day" to specific times, and vice-versa, but it has no effect. I've also tried relaunching the program, repairing permission, rebooting the computer, and checking to see that I am up to date (which I am).

If possible, it'd be cool if I didn't have to delete all of my events.
Can you try move this folder/file to your desktop, this will backup your current calendars-
/Users/yourusername/Library/Application support/Calendars

Then launch iCal, this will reset iCal to its default state, does the app work OK now. If it does then quit iCal and put the Calendars folder back in the same location, replace the newly created folder that contain default calendars and try iCal again, does it still behave with your original calendars?

Do you have any calendars being subscribed/synced to servers?

There was no "Calendars" folder on my computer, but I did remove the .plist file. So far, my first issue has been fixed, but iCal still skips December when I cycle through months.

*And no, the calendar isn't subscribed or synced to any servers.

***Actually, when I press --> to the NEXT January, then try going back to January 2009, it doesn't skip anymore. But when I restart the program, it still happens.
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I can't believe how bad ical sucks in general - ugly as hell and no control over fonts and other things that you should be able to customize. What a POS! ::evil::
Mario, sorry my bad, I gave you the wrong path, its not in the App support folder its one level up in your Library. If the app is still performing badly then it could be the app itself, do you have access to another Mac with the same OS level that you can copy the iCal app from?

g/re/p - Personally I find iCal quite useful and pleasing to look at, Im not interested in customizing every single app when I dont like the GUI, that would be a nightmare, but hey each to our own I suppose :O

Pm me with your email and I will send you a link to download a 10.5.6 iCal zip file to test.