iMac 333 monitor & cd-rom disappearing


I just bought a blueberry iMac 333 from a seller on eBay...It had 8.5 on it, but I repartitioned (iNine, iTen, Swap) and installed OS 9.2.2 and 10.1 on their respective volumes. At any rate, it's running GREAT (way better than my G4 400 tower!!), but I occasionally loose the cd drive....By lose I mean the drivers don't load at all - no icon on desktop, no response when I press the cd eject button on the drive. The only thing that fixes this is a cold shut down and then zapping the pram on startup. Does anyone have any idea what might cause this?
Another minor problem is that sometimes the monitor goes out - almost like a going to sleep thing, and it won't wake up. The power button turns orange like the iMac is asleep, but I can't get it to wake up and I have to stick a paper clip in the little force reboot hole...Suggestions??
My iMac DV 400 has also somekinda monitor problem. If you are runnin' some heavy applications (Adobe GoLive, Photoshop or sometimes Toast) and you let the computer go to sleep, it won't wake up. You have to press many keys and wait about 5 to 10 minutes and then it might wake up. Depends if the machine has a good day.. Then it will work.

I fixed this problem: I don't let the iMac go to sleep, but I'd like to know that why does it do this. Why?!
How much ram do oyu have installed on your g4? Have any clue why the g4 is slower when u got the g4 was it fast and know its slow? I am very intrested because i am going to basically trade my g3 400mhz for a g4 400mhz because of expandablity.
I am running a 400MHz G4 tower. It has 512 MB of RAM and 2 20GB hard drives. One of the drives has OS 10.1 on it and the other is partitioned into a 500 MB swap drive and a 19.5 GB drive w/ OS 9.2.2 on it. I got 10.0 last fall and installed it on the 2nd hard drive and it has always run really slow, so I have sort of switched back and forth between 9 and X the whole time (9 when I need the 'power usage' such as running Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Image Ready, etc. all at the same time; and X basically just to get to know it). Around the holidays my boyfriend bought me the 10.1 upgrade because we thought it might make X faster. It did, but only marginally. Since then, I have been reading up a lot, so I have learned some tricks (like the seperate swap partition, scale instead of genie effect for windows, ditching unnecessary extensions in 9 so Classic will run better, etc.) and I finally have fairly decent performance.
It is interesting, though, because I bought this iMac 333 to take to school (I'm doing research this summer with a professor and when he offered me a 200MHz Pentium with Windows 95 on it, I proceeded directly to ebay :) ). It came with 8.5 on it, so I thought I would give the partition thing and X a shot. I have read a lot of articles and newsgroups with people saying that X runs great on their G3 iMacs. At any rate, I did the same partition scheme as my G4 (except all of the volumes are on the internal 6GB drive) and X runs like a dream on it. I really can't explain why, it only has 192MB of RAM.... I wish I knew. I suspect there may be some sort of hardware glitch going on between X and the pre-X G4 towers??? I have noticed that almost all of the people who talk about X running slow are running 400-500Mhz G4s. Interesting, huh?? Maybe someone else can shed some light on this, anyway.
Good luck with your G4, like I said mine is running decent now, but I have done a phenomenal amount of tweaking. :)