iMac very thin...when is powerbook going g5?

I'm sorry but a G5 PowerBook would not be the first 64 bit laptop. And no I'm not just being a pesky Wintel user promoting AMD64.

SPARC chips in a laptop. They have been around for quite a while, but they're not mainstream so you don't see them everywhere. And of course, AMD64 laptops have already been on the market as well. You can argue that there's no final 64 bit Windows to run on it, but same can be said about OSX.
AMD64 laptops generally aren't in the same catagory as the Powerbooks. They tend to be heavier, bulkier, plastic-ier, and generally have very short battery life. Aside from build issues, there aren't any good OSes to run the AMD64 processor on. Linux doesn't really support laptops well (missing sleep functionality, speedstep is erratic, etc) and Windows.... let's not go there.

But these SPARC laptops..... man they look cool. Now why don't they market them more?
I hear both good and bad things about Linux laptops and "sleep" so I guess it's one of those "your mileage may vary" things.

Why aren't SPARC laptops more popular and more marketed? Simple one reason: software. Lack of it actually. Same reason why it takes Linux so slow to spead as a desktop "home user-friendly" OS. And of course lack of support for hardware gadgets and drivers.
Apple won't release their PB G5 after they just updated their PB G4 line...that would make the update useless, since a G5 PB would be better than a G4...

It should come soon, since the iBook has moved up to G4 and you can get a G4 in an iBook cheaper than a PB. PowerBooks and PowerMacs are kinda the same family, likewise iBook and eMac?

Yes and no :)

I try not to get too off subject (yes, I see the irony of making this off subject comment in the post about being off subject!), but I was trying to think of how Apple could really wow the world with the new PowerBook. A lot of people feel that the AirPort Express is the first step in the creation of additional products and this was an observation that I've made of all laptop users I know. We know that Apple is going to incur major cost in developing the PowerBook G5 and will want to find ways to generate larger sales.

When I was asked about how the new PowerBook will look, its really an opinion and as I said, I believe Apple will go out of their way to make this their finest hour, as Mac and PC users alike are waiting to see this product, possibly more so than others, as they keep raising the performance and design bar with AXP, PowerMac G5, iMac G5, new iPod, iPod Mini, Cinema Displays, etc. Being that there's only so much you can really do with a laptop and being that Apple will be further restrained due to the cooling needs of the G5, I think Apple is going to try and find ways to create complimentary products to the PowerBook to make the design "better".

Apple stated that they didn't want to add AirPort cards as standard to the iMac G5, since not everyone uses it. The PowerBook is a product where Apple includes the cards and knows that most everyone would want an AirPort card in their pro-line laptop. I just felt that Apple could really leverage this knowledge and create additional products to make the PowerBook a more dominant multimedia machine.

(sorry if this was off topic too, but I wanted to show where my thought process actually was on topic, even if my previous post didn't quite portray that properly!) :)
The iMac G5 weights somewhere around 20-25 lb (10 kg), roughly estimated. G5 to the Powerbook? Add a battery. Add keyboard, touchpad etc... we would have a transportable laptop at its best. 30 lb/15 kg of laptop power?
2 inches (the iMac) looks sweet in hte pictures, but it's not a something I would go walking with in my backpack .. or any g5 device if it was anywhere close to that size.
Giaguara said:
The iMac G5 weights somewhere around 20-25 lb (10 kg), roughly estimated. G5 to the Powerbook? Add a battery. Add keyboard, touchpad etc... we would have a transportable laptop at its best. 30 lb/15 kg of laptop power?

What're you? A sissy? 15 kg is nothing. It'll provide you with a good daily workout and might put some muscles on you. If anyone laughs at you for carrying such a thing around, you can just smack them on the head with your 15 kg Powerbook.
Considering the size of the iMac, it's going to be awhile before the G5 ever makes it to the PowerBook line. Besides, the current line is very robust and if they go dual-core for the next rev, they'll still be perky.
Viro said:
What're you? A sissy? 15 kg is nothing. It'll provide you with a good daily workout and might put some muscles on you. If anyone laughs at you for carrying such a thing around, you can just smack them on the head with your 15 kg Powerbook.

I don't mind walking with a 15 kg load for a short time, but every day.. no thanks. Even though I probably should weight that much more myself, still nope. I'm fine with the Powerbook 12" now, and I don't really want anything heavier .. than the 15" actuals are.
welll dayum i dunno about yall bout yall but yall sure can nit pick out every little thing and make a huge deal out of kno what we meant when we say the stuff we do..anyways muh point is...the iMac G4 was the most incredible design ever for an all in one computer..i am still absollutely shocked that they were able to make that design sooo much better.. maaen the iMac G5 completely blows the G4 iMac out of the water! that and that girl from black eyed peas is absolutely gorgeous as helll