Indsign PDF display issues in Preview


Gradient feather effects used in ID CS4 render fine in PDF exported and viewed in Acrobat reader or Pro. However Preview (Version 4.1 (469.4)) fails to render properly and just displays a horrible white rectangle. Anyone eles come up against this ? Is this just reaching the limit of what Preview can handle or is there perhaps and export option I should be using to work round ?


Hi Jean
Yes I have seen preview show this before, basically your guess is correct, you are at the limit of what preview can display regarding the gradients and some other features that Indesign outputs. I would recommend sticking with Reader or Pro to view/proof pdf's, also make sure that the option overprint preview is turned on in Acrobat otherwise it may not render the overprinting objects correctly and change on actual output.
Also the 'simulate overprint' option in Indesign under export/print tends to resolve the issues better when pdf's dont render correctly, even in older versions of Acrobat.