Installer application paradox

i've done that, i've come across a folder that contains folders that say "system" and "applications",
applications includes a folder called utilities and that folder contains what appears to be a corrupted installer app, it appears to be corrupted because it shows a piece of paper and pencil with a circle and a line through the cirlce on it...
what now?
you downloaded the update i need the full version. dont know where to get this from though:( onliest option in my oppinion is system restore but you need the DVD for that:(
oh well.
but hey dude, you taught me how to install adobe =P
"view package contents -> unarchive the .pax"
danke i appreciate your help
bitte :)

Do that with any package...porbably the Apple Software Update will release an update worries.
hope so.. and if i have the same problem THEN, i am going to call apple myself and give them an earful!!
You really need a Leopard disc. For when stuff goes wrong. Like this. Trust me. It's no fun w/o the install disc. Even on a Mac.

Mac fanbot (w/ install disc)