Interesting: DVI to ADC


Ok, at home I have the old G4 Dual processor 450.

I figured the old ATI graphics card we got with it from the Apple Store was getting a bit to tired to run 10.2 so I went out and got an ATI Radeon 8500 instead. Well at home I realised the monitor is one of the rare ones Apple had out for a few weeks which uses the ADC connector (not the flat displays, it's a standard one but it's kind of transparent. Almost like an iMac). Not DVI or VGA which was on the Radeon 8500.

I then got a hold of Apple's own DVI to ADC converter ($160!). Now the monitor should work right? But no.

It gets power from the computer / converter but when I hit the "on button" on the monitor to boot up the system the button just flashes once and then dies. Not a sign of a signal coming through from the computer itself, since it does not boot.

When I boot up using the powerbutton on the G4 the system boots but the screeen remains off..

How can this be? Do I need a VGA to ADC adapter? They cost about $500 so there's no way I am getting one of those..

Could anyone please try to help me out with this? I am not too good with monitors..

Hi there..

First I didnt read in your post if the monitor was the one you were using before.
Meaning is that monitor working fine just before you did the switch with your new card?

Then, if you have an old monitor at home ( or a friend ) I would try connecting
a VGA monitor into the VGA connection.

If the VGA monitor doesnt respond I would suggest you verify if the card
is properly installed. If it is I would go back to the dealer with it to have it verified.

If it works, then I would suggest you to ZAP the PRAM on your Mac
Command-Option-P-R ( hold it for 3 boom ) and see what happen..

Keep us posted..


Thanks for the advice. I have tried resetting the P-RAM and it didn't have any effect unfortunately..

Do you think it should work with DVI even though it's not a flat monitor?

Also, I have a DVI to VGA converter. Think it'd be worth a shot to put that in the mix as I am quite sure the card itself is working fine.
You said you have a DVI -> ADC converter from Apple.
then all you have to do is connect everything and it should be working.
the monitor you have, Is it a Cabernet? totally transparent with the front
that looks like tha Apple LCD? If so, your monitor needs to receive power
from its connector, so you have to make sure the DVI->ADc connector
is well powered, because the signal comming from the DVI do not provide power neither the USB.

Your ATI card has 2 connector, one VGA (like olds monitor) and one DVI.
Your DVI->ADC will work only in the DVI connection... Are you connected in there?

Yes, everything is getting power. The monitor fits your description but since its button does light up when I press it it is getting power.

I was thinking maybe the monitor needs to be in the VGA connector on the card, not the DVI?
That is a negative, friend the VGA do not supply what the DVI->ADC ask for.

Have you tried connecting a VGA monitor in that card, because untill now everything on your set up seems fine but no signal from the card...

Yeah, I tried an old Apple 15" monitor and it worked fine when I connected it in the VGA.

I'm so curious as to find what is the problem here..
DVI to ADC Connected in the DVI conenctor of the ATI Card.

Your Apple Studio Display (ADC) connected in the ADC connector
of the DVI->ADC convertor..

Power seems to arrive to your screen but no display..

is that right?

:D Yes!

That's right. I just cannot see what is wrong!!

Keep in mind this is not an Apple flatmonitor, could that have anything to do with it?

You caught me offguard with this one...

the cabernet is not supported in the list :

Supported Apple flat-panel displays
• 15-inch Apple Studio Display (M7928ZM/A)
• 17-inch Apple Studio Display (M7649ZM/A)
• 22-inch Apple Cinema Display (M8058ZM/A)
• 23-inch Apple Cinema HD Display (M8537ZM/A)

should have been verified by your reseller before you got it...

ADC->DVI with Cabernet 17" Result : NO !!!

PS: also had it comfirmed with one of our tech


thank you soooo much. you have no idea of the amount of time you have saved me... thanks alot!

guess I'll have to take it back to the store..

know of any good cards for 2xAGP that'll work with the monitor?

thanks again!


That is a Kick ass card with ADC direct on it.
Now, ATI says it work with Apple Flat display
have your reseller work a little and have him make sure with ATI
that that card will supply enough power for your Cabernet...

you lost a lot of time because he/she didnt check for the ADC-> DVI
now got to work a little... thats the job..

dont be mad it was an easy mistake for a reseller

I thought about this card too. I just placed an order for it and will see if it will indeed work for the Gigabit Ethernet G4s. ATI's site does not make any mention that this card will not work on 2x AGP slots. OWC makes the note that this card does not support our model, but if you do a search specific on the G.E. model you would get the ATI 9000 Pro on your list. For some reason I trust ATI's site and will assume that I will be able to use this card properly witout any issues.

I'll drop some feedback as soon as it ships and I get it.