Internet Connection Sharing


Mac Graduate
Hi all.

Heres the deal: My brother has a windows 2K machine, and I have a mac running panther.
Now i wanted to share my brothers internet connection, so I connected both of our computers using a direct ethernet cable. I set my brothers IP to and mine to . I turned on Internet Connection Sharing on my brothers machine. I was kinda hoping that would be it. So I tried to open up Safari and browse the net, but my mac didnt get connected to the internet. Do I need to do something else?

Thanks in advance
Hey SAbsar,
How is your mac connected to the internet? And make sure this connection works fine. Once your mac easily accesses the internet, try to setup the lan connection. Check by ping if you can access the pc and if the pc can access your mac using your current settings and let internet sharing off. Do you get a proper ping?
No no no, its the other way round. My _brothers_ computer is connected to the internet, and _I_ want to access it over lan.
Its is a direct cable connection. I checked ping. And also, file sharing and stuff is good. I just access the internet from the mac.
Ahhh, sorry. Didn't read carefully.
So, it seems like the winxp box is not sharing the connection right. Go to all your network connections in Winxp. Make sure there are at least 2 connections: 1. your connection to the internet 2. your lan connection to the mac.
Also make sure there is paket-transfer for both (right-click -> status). Now right-click the internet connection and click properties. The last tab will allow you to turn on firewall and also share the connection. Share the connection to the correct lan (the one your mac is also connected to). Now try if your mac has internet access. If no, open System Preferences on your mac and click on Network. Configure your ethernet connection which should be green. Use the settings manually and define the router as (your brothers pc). And try again. Now it should work... hopefully. ;)

Edit: WinXP = Win2k ;)

No luck with that router address either, mate! Lemme just tell you what both the machines are configured for.

Windows 2000 computer:
- There is just one dialup connection, and one LAN
- IP:
- Subnet Mask:
- Internet Connection Sharing enabled for the dial-up that i wanted to share(although i didnt play with any services or apss thingy)
- Firewall disabled on both LAn and dialup

- Only Built-in Ethernet enabled, internal modem disabled
- Manual IP setting
- IP (labelled IPv4 on the mac, dont know if this is important:
- Subnet Mask:
- Router:
- Settings for Proxy, Appletalk, PPoE and Advanced left untouched.
- In the SHARING tab from System Preferences, Windows File Sharing and Personal File Sharing are enabled.
- Firewall is turned off

Does this help? Cuz im getting OUT OF MY MIND accessing the internet off of a windows machine!
Hmmmm, did you try setting up the windows internet-sharing the way I told you? I am sure there is one little detail missing. Is it possible for you to get an internet-connection established on your pc and at the same time being able to access the pc notebook from your mac using ping? If this is possible, you didn't correctly share the pc internet-connection. If you can't even get a lan connection to the pc while this one is online, then try to setup your mac settings as automatical and try ping.
So youre saying that I should NOT be able to ping the PC from the mac while the PC is connected to the internet?
Well, I tried what you said, and turns out that its the ICS thing. The connection doesnt share, but the ping is successful. I even tried throwing in another windows PC to try the ICS, and it doesnt work there either. Do I have to play around with SERVICES or stuff?
Hey thanks everyone for the help, but I just figured out another way - I installed a proxy server on my brothers PC :)