Interview the person beneath you

You're kidding, right? Dahmer, Gacy, etc... they come as sick as you can imagine them (and I've got one hell of an imagination, too).

Does Micheal Jackson's legal trouble influence what you think of his music?
A: Michael Jackson's solo career is not my thing... However the Jackson 5... Oh yeah! Still love them.

Q: Why in the name of Charles Nelson Reiley doesn't the friggin' "keep me logged in" checkbox on work??? (sigh)
A: probably for the same reason that it doesn't work for Gmail for me
(I have some invites left if anyone wants one)

Q:Have you ever thought about suicide? If you have, what made you not do it?
Nope, not me personally. But, I have managaged to get a young adolescent from doing it.(he was killing himself because he lost the girl he loved) This kid had seen two pro shrinks, both couldn't help him, but I could. He lives in Puerto Rico, I live in IN. Won't tell ya how I did it.(I don't know the religious rules around here)

Have you ever once loved but lost?
We are products of our family. The boy has been living in a false world since he was three.

Did we just hit a time warp and run over a patch of Previously Asked Questions?
Qion said:
Nope, not me personally. But, I have managaged to get a young adolescent from doing it.(he was killing himself because he lost the girl he loved) This kid had seen two pro shrinks, both couldn't help him, but I could. He lives in Puerto Rico, I live in IN. Won't tell ya how I did it.(I don't know the religious rules around here)

Have you ever once loved but lost?

A: Oh yes. Cheryl Dinapoli (sigh) I'm such a dumbass.

Q: If you see her, will you tell her I'm a dumbass and have been for the last 18 years? (sigh)
Yanks call it "jerky", but where I come from, we call it "biltong". Dried raw meat. I once got a particularly rock-hard piece of kudu biltong that broke one of my teeth!

Are you vegetarian? If so, why?
A: Hell no. Veggies aren't food... They're what food eat!

Q: Speaking of which, what's your favorite, non-pedestrian animal to eat? (by non-pedestrian, I mean rule out cow, chicken, etc).
I live in Miami...there ARE NO traffic regulations.. ::ha:: :D

Do you ever drive the speed limit?
On residential streets where there can be children, animals, drunks – h3ll yes! ::angel:: I have a recurring nightmare about trying to console a grieving mother with the words "She just ran out in front of me".

Out on the open road, tho'…

I don't think you guys on the other side of the pond ever experience the kind of thrills we in the UK and Europe can have behind the wheel. It involves narrow, winding country roads. There is a particular buzz to be had from getting the perfect line through a tricky bend. It's not about straight line speed – it's about carrying as mucg as possible through a corner!

I have a particular favourite: a stretch of road about 20 minutes drive from my place. It's about 2 miles long and is so narrow, so winding and so tortuous that you think you're gonna die doing just 35 mph!

Are there any roads in the US where you can enjoy this kind of driving?

What's the scariest experience you've had in a car without getting into an accident? For example, that one fish-tail-around-the-corner where you were scared sh**less that you were going to be in some God-awful accident, but miraculously, the car skid in the perfect way -- and afterward it seemed fun?!
A: One time on I-95 in stopped traffic, a guy was flirting with this hot chick in a convertible. Finally when traffic started moving he sat there trying to talk to her. She was *obviously* not into him. I beeped and yelled that he should try his lounge lizard act at the bars after dark. The ass got out of his car and walked back to mine and started mouthing off to me. Finally he reaches into my car. I grabbed his arm, hit the button to rollup my window and started creeping along. The look of panic in his eyes was great. I could only go about 20 feet because his car was there, but that was a fantastic few seconds. The scary part, for me, was that he might press charges :)

Q: What's the weirdest place you've ever picked someone up (a la above)?