iphone BS


can i vent for a second - this all started a couple of days ago when my wife bought me a new Itouch ipod - after screwing with it for several hours I figured out (trying both of my macs) that I need a system update - I was running 10.3.9 - have to have 10.4 - which is now 10.5 or leopard - so I decided just to spend the extra $100 and get an iphone if i have to get a system update anyway - (talked to my mac guy and he said it would be $95/hr a couple of hrs per machine so I thought I would just update my laptop for now - because he also told me leopard has a problem with completely wiping out machines - so i need to back up my whole computer - well i don't have 6 days to just back up files ) so after i spend another $138 bucks for leopard I find out after another 9 hours of trying to load it on my laptop - my laptop needs more memory - another $100-200 - + the $460 I spent for a phone and case - so a grand total of $1100- $1200 i can have an Iphone - well FUCK YOU!! i will just keep what I have - thanks for the poor house mac!!
All computer software, hardware and peripherals have "System requirements" listed on the pack. Read them carefully before getting your wallet out - it'll save you a lot of worry down the track.