iPod competition--with removable media & USB 2.0


I haven't bought an iPod yet-- and this is why... http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0206/18.toshiba.php

I'm waiting for removable storage in GB form... which the iPod has yet to implement.

I might post this thought on a seperate thread, but the iPod seems very typical of Apple's marketing strategy... if you look at the Toshiba model, it seems really spunky and would probably appeal to more consumers than the minimalist iPod would. I personally think Apple needs to get out of the childlike "look what we did mum" approach to design and really go after the competition in terms of chic appeal--which the iPod definately lacks (slapping a case on a harddrive, adding earphones, and the Chicago display--let's get with the progam guys)...

At the very least it would be nice to see an iPod with removable media...
Originally posted by MacLuv
I might post this thought on a seperate thread, but the iPod seems very typical of Apple's marketing strategy... if you look at the Toshiba model, it seems really spunky and would probably appeal to more consumers than the minimalist iPod would.

From: http://www.macnn.com/news.php?id=17021

"The four top selling MP3 players in Japan were iPods and combined, they accounted for 42 percent sales of all the MP3 players sold in Japan in September."

Since the Toshiba MP3 player has been out since June 22nd, it has been competing directly with the iPod. If people really do prefer Toshiba's design in comparison to Apple's "child-like" design, why would it dominate the sales percentage for MP3 players in Japan?
Originally posted by phatsharpie
From: http://www.macnn.com/news.php?id=17021

"The four top selling MP3 players in Japan were iPods and combined, they accounted for 42 percent sales of all the MP3 players sold in Japan in September."

Since the Toshiba MP3 player has been out since June 22nd, it has been competing directly with the iPod. If people really do prefer Toshiba's design in comparison to Apple's "child-like" design, why would it dominate the sales percentage for MP3 players in Japan?

Yes that's very impressive. Until the nomad came out the iPod was the smallest unit and looking towards the future I was actually thinking more about removable media in the GB realm as we transfer more media from video cameras, etc...

I think that if Apple's stats are correct, then no doubt we (or Japan) will see a huge trend of small MP3 players with removable media within the next two years--that's just a speculative guess so I'm looking into it...

I still think Apple shouldn't rest on its laurels and revamp the iPod look for a fresh marketing appeal at the very least--if they don't, someone else will.
why do you need removable media? it has firewire, it has a 5-20 gig hard drive. IMO, the iPod is simply the best. this is also the opinion of the editors over at CNET, who rank it as the best mp3 player so far. I really don't see whats so "minimalist" about the iPod, it is an awesome piece of machinery.
I must agree. I think the iPod does exactly what it is expected to do. I don't see the need for removable storage an such a device... I would be annoyed by having another drive bay opening. If you need such features, why not get a competitors product?
Originally posted by xaqintosh
why do you need removable media? it has firewire, it has a 5-20 gig hard drive. IMO, the iPod is simply the best. this is also the opinion of the editors over at CNET, who rank it as the best mp3 player so far. I really don't see whats so "minimalist" about the iPod, it is an awesome piece of machinery.

Minimalism: Use of the fewest and barest essentials or elements, as in the arts, literature, or design.

It's a hard drive with a case... is that not minimalist enough for you?
Originally posted by onegoodpenguin
I must agree. I think the iPod does exactly what it is expected to do. I don't see the need for removable storage an such a device... I would be annoyed by having another drive bay opening. If you need such features, why not get a competitors product?

That's a good point... why NOT get a competitors product?

Well, maybe since most people in here would like Apple to continue doing business, the more products they sell, the better off they are, right? Geesh. With all do respect, the iPod doesn't do everything I expect it to, so your comment is subjective, which doesn't really help Apple's marketing department.

Brand loyalists don't really help a company thrive, usually they suffocate it to death, complacent with "how things are" rather than looking forward at "how they could be"... really, if Steve Jobs had this sort of attitude we wouldn't have Macintosh.

This isn't about you personally, penguin, but about anyone who doesn't consider the consequenses of idealistic values placed over a business schema... they never work. If iPod isn't nurtured like the iMac was, it will go the way of every other Apple product that failed miserably. If you don't believe this could happen or these things could happen, please take into consideration the case study of SyQuest vs. Iomega. SyQuest was the industry leader in removable media and thought itself to be invincible. Iomega came along and still SyQuest sat on its ass. SyQuest only started competing with Iomega when it was far too late, and the next thing you know, they had to evacuate their offices without even telling the few employees that were left over when they arrived for work the next day. As much as everyone seems wrapped with the iPod, it needs a new angle and a kick to evolve the product into an industry staple. Otherwise, one day, we'll all buy the competitors product, just as you suggested.

Qwa qwa qwa...
FYI-- just so everyone understands how this works... first comes the demand for the product. So the concept of a removable drive that fits in your pocket so you can take it with you is awesome. Now throw in the fact that you can switch drives in the device. You don't have to pay extra for the case, and when you transfer video tape or other kinds of media, you don't have to worry about hard drive space becuase it's all removable. Removable media companies make more money and people do more because they don't have to worry about storage. Prices drop and technology evolves so that 20GB of storage slims down to a credit card wafer. If you ever find yourself saying "this is stupid, I don't need this" then you've failed business 101 and don't realize that in a world population of 6 billion, somebody's bound to have a use for it.

Grrrrrrrr.... now, can anybody comment on future enhancements to this product? Or is everybody too busy "thinking alike"????

:p :|
I suppose that I was coming from the perspective that Apple typically doesn't offer something that somebody has a use for, they offer products that most people have a use for. At this time, nobody I know is more interested in removable storage on their iPod. The technology for higher capacities is not present right now (who wants to pay upwards of 300 dollars for the iPod to have a removable chip of 128 megs?). The real issue is that adding this technology will cost Apple more money, driving the prices up once again. And that's great if you can say that I'm not 'forward-looking' enough, but even though I agree that some people may want this feature, I won't agree that most people do.

As far as what features should be added in future releases, I'd really like the operating system/processor to be updated. Seamless playback (no pauses between tracks), along with crossfading would be excellent. Also, I would like an even more advanced way of automatically updating the iPod from iTunes. At first, I had this feature disabled, and would manually add tracks, but once I tried auto-updating, I loved it. The problem was, I didn't want my whole library on the iPod, so I made a iPod playlist which would be updated with the iPod... but then you miss out on multiple playlists /on/ the iPod. Anyway, I really don't have any hardware specfic requests such as bluetooth support, though that would be interesting. I'll post here if I come up with anything.
Originally posted by onegoodpenguin
I suppose that I was coming from the perspective that Apple typically doesn't offer something that somebody has a use for, they offer products that most people have a use for. At this time, nobody I know is more interested in removable storage on their iPod. The technology for higher capacities is not present right now (who wants to pay upwards of 300 dollars for the iPod to have a removable chip of 128 megs?).

My dear penguin...

Yes indeedilydoo there is the technology, toshiba is using it right now in Japan... Iomega makes discs capable of storing nGB, and yadda yadda bing bang. Please follow the fishy links above and learn more about this amazing feat in penguin electronics.

The real issue is that adding this technology will cost Apple more money, driving the prices up once again. And that's great if you can say that I'm not 'forward-looking' enough, but even though I agree that some people may want this feature, I won't agree that most people do.

My dear penguin...

I don't know how forward a penguin looks but even the emperor knows it takes moola to make moola. You might want to check with the NPMA (National Penguins Marketing Association) to see if they've done any research behind who wants what. I'm sure if you asked people if they wanted a box full of electronic chips and circuts and plastic and a keyboard and a little plastic bubble that moves around your desk then I can imagine most people would say hell no. But thanks to the DNA strand in our brain that allows illogical thought, aka imagination, the folks at the Alternative Fish Market can whip up a marketing campaign that will convince you, Joe Penguin, that you do indeedly do need one of these fabuloso devices. And you'll even pay $300 for it.

As far as what features should be added in future releases, I'd really like the operating system/processor to be updated. Seamless playback (no pauses between tracks), along with crossfading would be excellent. Also, I would like an even more advanced way of automatically updating the iPod from iTunes. At first, I had this feature disabled, and would manually add tracks, but once I tried auto-updating, I loved it. The problem was, I didn't want my whole library on the iPod, so I made a iPod playlist which would be updated with the iPod... but then you miss out on multiple playlists /on/ the iPod. Anyway, I really don't have any hardware specfic requests such as bluetooth support, though that would be interesting. I'll post here if I come up with anything. [/B][/QUOTE]
It may be a hrd drive with a case, but it has a motherboard, and an awesome intuitive, *simple* interface. Also, the touch pad is a stroke of genius. the iPod may be simple, but it does the job, and does it WELL. If you need removable storage, get a zip drive or a DVD-Burner or something like that.
Also, so far thge only one complaining about the iPod really is you. Ask anyone that HAS one, and they'll tell you how completely satisfied they are.
"Dear xaqintosh," (as I'm sure will follow soon), "Don't you know that the only reason iPod owners like iPods is because they are Apple loyalists and they'll buy anything Apple sells them? Never mind that many non-apple fanatics love the iPod too... Dear xaqintosh, you just failed business 101."

Sorry for the bit of humor there. I agree with you, and I am satisfied with my iPod also. Niche features should remain in non-mainstream devices (mainstream=the ones seen on Mtv), and shouldn't be incorporated into products that will have a huge user base, when most people wouldn't use those features. If it costs 2 bucks to add removable storage, and the disk bay isn't inconveniently placed, doesn't add size, and doesn't weaken the design, well then sure, add it. But I assume that it wouldn't be the case.
Originally posted by MacLuv
Here is another direct competitor available from Nomad:


I'm thinking about getting an iPod soon, assuming I sell my Sun Blade. I looked into the Zen, but from what I can tell, there is no Mac support. Do you know otherwise? And I don't think the Toshiba will be a good competitor, at least for a long time. Smaller hard drive for the price, and I'm sure a 20 gig will be a lot of money to stick in. And USB2? I'd also have to get a card for that. Even if it's compatible with USB1, it would be much slower than FireWire.
Hi everybody...

#1, i'm not complaining about the iPod. However, I can imagine this sort of back and forth BS was what it was like on the Apple Campus when Steve Jobs was trying to convince the Apple II engineers that Macintosh was the future. Did you know that a lot of people at Apple didn't think the Macintosh was a good idea?

My point here is that although the iPod is a very popular unit and it seems to be creating a big headrush--there's going to come along the competitor that offers something that looks like an iPod, works like an iPod, and costs less, probably with more features.

I think strategically for Apple they've got an interesting market opening up for them which is almost related to handhelds--in other words, Apple couldn't enter the handheld market with another visor product, but the iPod could be the foot in the door. That's why in another post around here someplace I talk about having an iPod car stereo rather than an MP3 Hard drive which is currently available. I see a lot of opportunities for Apple and for some reason they're just not "getting it"... and on another side note, that's often why I suggest Steve Jobs is burnt out and his 15 minutes is up....

But now back to the iPod...
I would love to have a sweet interface to my car stereo, or simply a iPod that is for my car... white and brushed metal faceplate... oooooh :)
I absolutely agree that the iPod is just the beginning. One with some more PDA type functionality like Vindigo would be great. Nothing seems to have great Mac compatibility, though. Plus, I personally don't need much more PDA functionality than the iPod now offers, so I will be thrilled with one.