iPod Nano: A Dream Come True!

mdnky said:
It's on their main page, www.apple.com; or I should say it is their main page...takes most of it up. The Nano page is: http://www.apple.com/ipodnano/

Oh my word!
THAT is a really nice bit of kit, I don't have a shuffle anymore (complicated reasons - but I loved it), for a little more money a 2GB Nano is very tempting, I love it. It's so small, it hurts my brain!

As soon as I can afford it, I'll be getting a black one. :-)
Very small. Very sexy. Respectable capacity. And it finally comes in black. But the question on everyone's mind remains unanswered — can you eat it? I see nothing on Apple's site to either confirm or deny the edibility of the thing. This concerns me.
Amie said:
Sure they do. Here's the deal: There isn't going to be any one point in a lifetime where ANYone is going to listen to ALL their songs in their iTunes library ALL right in a row, ALL in one sitting. So: All you need to do is download whatever your iPod will hold, listen to those songs for a few days, weeks, months, whatever ... then delete those songs from your iPod and add new songs. Simple!

Can't wait to get my iPod Nano! Come next month, it's mah birfday. Parents asked me what I wanted. "Why, a gift card to the Apple store, of course!" :D

i currently have a 40gb Clickwheel b+W but it's poorly. and a 512mb shuffle. i want a 100gb nano. sans chrome.
fjdouse said:
Oh my word!
THAT is a really nice bit of kit, I don't have a shuffle anymore (complicated reasons - but I loved it), for a little more money a 2GB Nano is very tempting, I love it. It's so small, it hurts my brain!

As soon as I can afford it, I'll be getting a black one. :-)
Go for it!!! :D
Mikuro said:
Very small. Very sexy. Respectable capacity. And it finally comes in black. But the question on everyone's mind remains unanswered — can you eat it? I see nothing on Apple's site to either confirm or deny the edibility of the thing. This concerns me.
I guess that would give new meaning to phrase "making a little butt music."
Lt Major Burns said:
i currently have a 40gb Clickwheel b+W but it's poorly. and a 512mb shuffle. i want a 100gb nano. sans chrome.
Hang in there a little longer. It'll happen...
Lt Major Burns said:
i currently have a 40gb Clickwheel b+W but it's poorly. and a 512mb shuffle. i want a 100gb nano. sans chrome.

hehe, that'd be nice, with a connector for a monitor, and bluetooth keyboard and mouse, hahah
I was really impressed when i saw the new Nano, but after checking the system requirements i was not happy - the Nano requires USB 2.0 and does not support FireWire. Only recent macs have USB 2.0 - I wonder what they were smoking in R&D when they made that decision?
I just checked the apple discussion forums - some members report being able to connect the Nano via USB 1.0, but it is
very s_l_o_o_o_w when transferring data.

I think another solution may be to install a pci USB 2.0 card if you have a Powermac.
g/re/p said:
I was really impressed when i saw the new Nano, but after checking the system requirements i was not happy - the Nano requires USB 2.0 and does not support FireWire. Only recent macs have USB 2.0 - I wonder what they were smoking in R&D when they made that decision?
I have a USB 2.0, so I'm very happy with the iPod nano. :D

I guess it makes sense: New computers have USB 2.0, and the nano is a new gadget. *shrug*
g/re/p said:
I was really impressed when i saw the new Nano, but after checking the system requirements i was not happy - the Nano requires USB 2.0 and does not support FireWire.

Where did you see those requirements? According to Apple's iPodNano site USB 2.0 is recommended, not required. If you don't have it, it'll just be a bit slow on the updates.

Mac system requirements
  • Macintosh computer with USB port (USB 2.0 recommended)
  • Mac OS X v10.3.4 or later
Windows system requirements
  • PC with USB port or card (USB 2.0 recommended)
  • Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later

I would have liked to see FW support too, but then again it probably wasn't doable with the size & cost constraints.
there's also nothing saying you can't add USB2.0 to your mac if you really want it. it'd cost £10 for a PCI card, or a little bit more for a firewire adapter.
and USB 2.0 has been on all macs sold the last 2 years. Maybe it is time to get a new one (and make a kid sister/brother or parent/grandparent happy by selling your old one to them).