iPod Shuffle doesn't lik my wife's songs


My wife's iPod Shuffle (orignial version) refuses to Autofill more than 28 songs from her playlist. It will Autofill over a hundred songs from any other playlist or from Music. She has about 100 songs in her playlist. What's particularly odd is that if I add another 100 songs to her playlist, it will Autofill lot's (although not all) of those, but precisely only 28 of the wonderful songs that my wife had initially put in her playlist. When the 28 songs are loaded in her iPod, iTunes tells my that it has 1.7 hrs of music, 99.5 MB used, and 395.1 MB available. I've tried making her a new playlist and dumping her songs into it. Still it only will take 28. I've tried making a new playlist and putting different songs into it, and, presto, it Autofills them into her iPod just fine! It's as if it's somehow tags my wife's selections and is limiting them (and them only) to 28 songs!

Disk use is not enabled. I have tried resetting and restoring original settings.

Maybe it just doesn't like her selections?!
Maybe it just doesn't like her selections?!

Everybody's a critic. Sigh.

What format are your wife's songs stored as? HiLite one and
do a splat-I (get info). The summary tab will tell you. For example,
one of mine says:

Kind: MPEG Audio File
Size: 3.8mb

If your wife's songs are in a different format, that could be the
problem. For example, an AIFF takes up about 10 times the space
of an MP3. And you don't have a lot of space on that shuffle.
I'd also say it's quite probably a format problem. Where a 128 kbps MP3 takes ~5 MB, an AIFF file (as read from an Audio CD without conversion) is ~50 MB. And there are a lot of options inbetween (lossless codecs etc.).