is it me or mobileME

Quote from Philip Elmer-DeWitt of Fortune:

It’s more than likely heads will roll over this botched [MobileMe] roll-out, if they haven’t already. But given Jobs’ well-documented propensity for micromanagement, it’s also possible that he was warned that the product wasn’t ready for primetime and wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. If that’s the case, the blame for MobileMe may be his.
I only had .mac for a short period of time, and the reason i did not keep the service was my bad experiences with outages and ongoing problems that never really seemed to get resolved completely - and for what little it offered, it was also overpriced.

Did the service ever reach an acceptable level of "stableness"?

The current problems with mobileme, which is basically just .mac relabled, seem to be more of the same - which makes me wonder why apple still cannot seem to get its act together on .mac/mobileme.
We mail "seems" to work. But I have opted for another provider which made my mail work in less than 1 hour. So now I don't care about mail.

Concerning iDisk, I now notice that I cannot use a simple browser to upload simple clipping files (the select/drag text to desktop files).

I take your point Ferdinand, but from now on I'll use MobileMe every day on my work's PC and I know I'll find the simpler web portal very useful, obviously for mail and calendar.

OK, so I have to wait 15 minutes for syncing/pushing between my PC at work and my Mac at home. I think I can live with that.
OK Ferdinand, I take back everything I said. I can't access MobileMe at work because it requires Safari or Firefox and IT won't let me install either browser on my work laptop. :mad:
I have done my research. Here is a fantastic link on how to set up your very own WEBDAV server on a mac.

Okay, the example refers to omnifocus synching, but it is just too easy.

and... I nearly forgot.. today I got a "deepest" apology email concerning mail problems and recieved the 5 test mails I had sent myself. So seems mobileMe have tried to do a ameaning cleanup.

but, domain names with hyphens are STILL not accepted.
Just randomly thinking, probably already been answered, but don't they usually pretest these things before they put them up. And if they weren't ready by there due date, I'm pretty sure people wouldn't mind waiting a few more days and not have any problems to deal with.

Also, what I find aggravating, and this probably sounds so stupid, but I recently had a friend buy MobileMe. But Apple doesn't tell me how to set up MobileMe......... I have absolutely no idea how to make a username or anything else.......
Did you have a look at this: ?

Luckily, my email worked all the time so I wasn't one of those 1%, but I still didnt get that email regarding the free 30 days extension...

And I tried to talk with Apple staff through the MobileMe chat and I waited more than half an hour and I couldnt talk to anyone because it froze at the "approx. 1 min left" stage. I tried it the next day and the day after and it never worked.

And they responded to my support question I sent 2 weeks ago yesterday. And it wasn't even a personal email, it was a typical" copy-paste" email which said I should have a look at the attached PDF if it answers any of my questions. If not, I should send another mail.

Those are the only ways how to contact MobileMe - phone support told me they are not responsible for MobileMe.

Again - not what you'd expect!
Yeah I looked at it right before I posted and it doesn't help at all.

Actually I found the answer about a week ago and wasn't sure about it. He got the MobileMe box with the activation code instead of getting the trial and going from there. But my point is, what is everybody else going to do when they don't see a link to activate MobileMe?
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Anyone notice that subscribed to calendars are not synched to iTouch (and I suppose iPhone). And it is impossible to subscribe to a calendar in iTouch either.


And now David Pogue is in on it too (although primarily referring to the teething troubles), writing an article called "Apple's MobileMess."

from Pogues article:
For a few, it’s a lot worse. “This morning, I woke up and turned on my computer,” wrote one reader. “Happily, it seemed that the MobileMe e-mail service was back up. However, a few seconds later, when my computer synced with .Mac/MobileMe, ALL of my e-mail — every single e-mail I’ve ever sent, received, and filed on .Mac — disappeared. Every e-mail file on my hard drive (in the Mail library) was gone. I immediately went to to make sure that all my e-mail was still saved to Apple’s server. It wasn’t. All of the mail was gone.”

Apple escalated her case and dedicated top technicians to it, for which she was grateful. In the end, however, they recovered only 43 messages. The rest are gone forever.

Not just her online emails, but all of the emails on her harddrive! I would be PISSED!!

I would also thank myself for keeping a bi-weekly backup of my entire email folder on a thumb drive...........
Anyone notice that subscribed to calendars are not synched to iTouch (and I suppose iPhone). And it is impossible to subscribe to a calendar in iTouch either.


Sorry but it ANNOYS the crap out of me when people call it the iTouch.

I would also thank myself for keeping a bi-weekly backup of my entire email folder on a thumb drive...........

Thats a good idea with all this going on, i'm going to start doing that now.
I too would be pissed if my harddrive were touched!

Having said that, there are two types of people in the world ... those who back up regularly and those who will wish they did.
Sorry but it ANNOYS the crap out of me when people call it the iTouch.

Same here.

Having said that, there are two types of people in the world ... those who back up regularly and those who will wish they did.

Around 2 or 3 years ago, I started backing up using .Mac Backup and CDs. For another few months I backed up my data every week on a CD (only some docs and prefs). Then it started to get stressful, and then it was just plain annoying. So I stopped backing up, but as soon as I got Leopard, I started backing up again with Time Machine. I have to say, having an external HD hooked up to my Mac and letting it back up automatically is so much easier!

I (luckily) never had my HD crash so I never needed the backups I made so far.

So I think its just depends on what you use and if you want to try new things or not.

And yes you are right - those are the two types of people.
Hmm... let me think.... what about...

[size=+1]iPod Touch ?[/size]

I got a better one... howabout:

iPod touch

(capitalization fixes, sorry -- I'm a stickler for spelling and grammar!)

You know, since that's the exact name given to it by Apple and all, and, well, since they made it and all, well, I think that's probably what people should call it.

A lot of people say, "iTouch," but that's not its name and is just an alias given to it by the teeming masses of people. Apple has never uttered nor printed nor published nor referenced the name, "iTouch."

Still, Apple has final say on what their products' names will be, and referring to it by something else will eventually only confuse people. What if we called the "iMac" a "pineapple?" Its name is not "pineapple," it's "iMac." So call it an "iMac," even if you think you've got a better name for it.