Is Nolobe (Interarchy) dead?

bunner bob

I upgraded my Interarchy 9 to 10 late last year. The new version of this venerable FTP program looked great, but was missing certain key features that version 9 had. I emailed the company several times with no response, and now, 6 months later, there appear to have been no updates to the program.

Looks like the company is dead - anyone have information to the contrary?

- Bob
Nolobe is not dead. Suggestions otherwise are not helpful.

Interarchy 10.1 is currently in beta testing and should be released soon.

Bob I've responded to all your messages. I can only assume an overzealous spam filter is eating my replies. I encourage you to review your spam filter settings.

Matthew Drayton
Once again I am asking because I asked a question several weeks ago about Interarchy corrupting uploads. I received not a peep. I have changed email providers my address is now pjonescet AT comcast DOT net I even give my new email address. I am now afraid to use Interarchy and had to download Transmit to upload my files. There are no user groups no nothing.

Now I've updated to 8.1 Mt Lion.
Instead of spreading rumors that Interarchy is dead, you would be better served by describing your mysterious unnamed problem and asking for help to solve it. There is no evidence that Interarchy is out of development. Nolobe's site has been updated since your OP. As for Interarchy, I have used it since it was an Archie client named Anarchie. Its functionality is now so simple that it is virtually impossible to improve upon if it works, and it does work.
Okay I've been using Interarchy for years back to days when it was known as anarchie.

I bad some changes to my Web site using DreamWeaver CS5.5.
I uploaded the changes with Interarchy. When I tested out the changes The index file for the recipes section of my Web site could not be found. I went back to Interarchy and download directly to desktop. I know if I do that links to items such as pictures will be broken but the page should open. It would not open. I then retreived a back up of the file from time machine. I made the changes. Quit DreamWeaver. Then I double clicked on the item and the page opened as it should.

Next I uploaded again using Interarchy. once again the page was not found 404 error. I downloaded to desktop again tried to open once again it would not.

So I was in a Pinch. I downloaded Transmit. re did everything once again and uploaded using transmit. This time page worked. I did go back into Interarchy and did a mirror dowload. and test the files. They worked.

Since I was able prove the issue three different times I afraid to use Interarchy. And especially now that I am on Mountain Lion (OSX.8) I don't know what to expect.

I never said if you read my my message Is Nolobe still around. I didn't say they weren't. I asked if they was. I sent basically the same to Nolobe support weeks ago. I have yet to here from any one.

Just in case it got lost last night I sent once again.

Mathew Drayton is usually quick to answer support question.

If the company is gone. That's okay, people get any make their money, get tired and abandon all the time. But I haven't seen any reports on the net.

So I don't know.

If you can answer my question fine. I need to do whatever repairs necessary to fix, and willing to do so. I've been a Mac user since 1995-96 so I am not a newbie.