Issue with the display on macbook


I recently got a Macbook intel core duo, with OS X v10.5.1. Traditionally a PC user, this is the first mac Ive ever had so bear with me. So far im stoked. One lil problem, and I have to point out that I am aware of the known issue with the Monitors on some macbooks having the pink screen, Im sure you know more than I. Well My problem is basically that, but all the screen shots I've seen of it make me feel that my problem is different. Yes where there is white I see pink. I have seen many pictures of said problem and mine looks different. I can see the individual pink pixels instead of white, just like the known issue but my screen doesn't look like the ones Ive seen and the wierd thing is, when I apply pressure to the center area of the bottom of the mac, with my knee normally as thats where i't's normally resting, it makes the white come back. Only to gradually go pink again... Whats the deal? Am I mistaken and it IS the the known issue I'd mentioned? or could it be, like I read in another forum, that the cable is getting caught inside or... i don't know lol. Help me out give, thanks a ton

One lil problem, and I have to point out that I am aware of the known issue with the Monitors on some macbooks having the pink screen, Im sure you know more than I.

There is no known screen issue with the macbooks. It seems like a loose LVDS cable. Pressing on the middle of the botto case is about where that cable connection to the logic board is. You'll have to find someone who knows how to take apart Apple laptops proficiently to check the connections.