It's Here - 10.1.5

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
56k users - what is the big deal? it's not like you can't do anything else while software update runs. even if it takes 4 hrs, that can be 4 hrs worth of background time. How else do you think i started this thread while i was downloading?
This is assuming I'm home. I want to be able to disconnect from the net when I'm not using it. My ISP is persnickety when I'm connected for ten hours straight. So when I can, I use a download manager which can disconnect for me when the download is complete.

And almost all of the time I am on my computer I am online. I don't need to split the 56k bandwidth between downloading the update and doing other things. The net is slow enough, I don't need to bog it down more.
Originally posted by celeborn
For you people excited about the possibility to get Quartz anti-aliasing in Carbon apps, go get Silk from Unsanity (

It enables Quartz text in all Carbon programs, without the need for any individual updates! It certainly works for me. You can also specify Silk to exclude apps you don't want to have anti-aliasing.

Thanks for the tip! That's great. Internet Exploder text looks much nicer now.
;) Feels like my birthday.

-OS 10.1.5
-Mozilla 1.0
-Quicktime 6 preview
-Antialiasing in Carbon apps
-Speed boosts everywhere

Bwahaha. :D
Arg. Yet another reason I hate dial up access.

I decided to try to download the update through Software Update. Got about a quarter of the way through, and my computer went to sleep. Doh! So I woke it up, and there was a message -- "To resume downloading where you left off, just press the install button" or something like that. So I did. And it started over from the beginning.

I reset my prefs to not go to sleep, and started to write a letter. It got about halfway done when I got some sort of connection error. I don't think it was a problem with my ISP -- I had no other net problems. I got the same "To resume where you left off" message, so I tried it again. Start over from the beginning.

About one third of the way through I got another connection error. Arg. Arg. Arg.

Now if I had this scheduled through a download manager, I wouldn't have had to start over from the beginning each time, and I'd be typing this in 10.1.5 by now....


Curse you, lying Software Update!

Oh yeah, and I also wanted to say -- Arg.
10.1.5 seems to be downloading very fast for me...

Of course I'm using a client's DSL and I'm downloading it onto my Rhapsody powered PowerBook, but it seems great so far!

ok, ok...i'll shut up about the software update and dial up stuff.:p

seriously - sorry to hear you had so much trouble with it.:(
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
ok, ok...i'll shut up about the software update and dial up stuff.:p

seriously - sorry to hear you had so much trouble with it.:(
Hey, I'm not trying to complain about the dial-up. I'm the one unwilling to pay for broadband. What I'm complaining about is that Software Update lied and said I could continue, and that Apple hasn't made it available any other way yet...
Oh, goody! Now I can avoid Apple replacing sendmail, and me then having to reinstall postfix...
sweet! download and installation went on without a single hitch. runs very smooth and feels again a bit snappier than the previous version. no kernel panics yet. :thumbsup:
.5 really does seem speedier. SAMBA seems to be faster (mounting volumes) and I could be imagining it, but Finder access to folders on the hard drive seems noticeably faster.

I can finaly burn cds in mac os x... 10.1.5 supports my iomega usb2 burner! :D
No more booting in to OS 9 for burning :D

I'm indeed a happy camper now :D :cool: