iTunes 8.1 - Long Pause Before Playback After Hitting Play Button


Mac of the SubGenius! :-)
I upgraded to iTunes 8.1 when it showed up on Software Update. Since then, I've noticed that when I hit the Play button to play anything in my Library, there is a long pause (about 6-7 seconds) before the audio file starts playing. Have any of you had this happen to you?

This is on 10.4.11 on my iMac G5. My drive is getting short on space (and I'm aware of issues do to short drive space ;)), but it didn't do this before the upgrade to 8.1. Let me know your thoughts...
To add to this...

It doesn't happen when you start the audio file from the beginning. Instead, it pauses for about 6 seconds or so before playing after you've paused the audio file somewhere in the middle. Right now, it only seems to be doing it with podcasts. I've cleared out some files and made some extra space available for OS X, but the issue persists. Again, I didn't have this issue before upgrading and I had less HD space than I do now.
Have you tried throwing out the Preference file for your iTunes yet?

That is my next thing to try. I haven't done so for fear borking something in the settings. I know it won't affect my iTunes Library, but I wanted to wait until someone recommended it. :p
That is my next thing to try. I haven't done so for fear borking something in the settings. I know it won't affect my iTunes Library, but I wanted to wait until someone recommended it. :p

Then keep the file around in another place then you can put it back if the fix doesn't work.
Alright, I've deleted the preference files in both /Library and ~/Library that pertained to my iPod and iTunes. The problem still persists. I've also noticed that it makes my iMac unusable for what is actually 15 seconds (not 6 seconds like I mentioned before) from when I push the Play button until the audio starts playing. Again, this didn't happen with the previous version regardless of the status of my iMac.

My next option is probably going to be to manually download and reinstall iTunes 8.1. I'll report back with results on that.
Well, I noticed today that Software Update contained iTunes 8.1.1. After installing it, the long pause finally went away. Looks like it might have been a bug after all. Either way, problem solved. :)
Well, I noticed today that Software Update contained iTunes 8.1.1. After installing it, the long pause finally went away. Looks like it might have been a bug after all. Either way, problem solved. :)

Well it must have been either a PPC bug or a 10.4.x bug. I really happy it worked out and you reported back what has fixed it. If i ever make finally to Florida I'll buy you beer some time.
Well it must have been either a PPC bug or a 10.4.x bug. I really happy it worked out and you reported back what has fixed it. If i ever make finally to Florida I'll buy you beer some time.

Possibly. I haven't tested it on anything other than my iMac G5 on Tiger, so I can't speak beyond that scenario. Just thought I would update it in case someone was actually curious about it. :p

I'll keep the beer offer in mind. ;)

I'm new to this forum (post #1). I felt here because I'm having the same problem: "Long Pause Before Playback After Hitting Play Button"

iMac G5 1.8Ghz, 2Gb ram, 160 Gb HD, Mac OS 10.5.6, iTunes 8.1.1 (10)

As you can see I'm fully upgraded and the trouble persist.
The only info I can add is that the longer the track, the longer the pause before start playing.

Everything started with the iTunes 8,1 upgrade.
Another issue about this upgrade is that I'm not longer able to check the iTunes stores looking for spanish podcasts.

I'm from Chile and I understand that iTunes store is not working here, but in previous iTunes version I was able to browse the store, listen song samples and subscribe to free podcasts. Not anymore.

I tried to downgrade iTunes by installing it from the installation disk. It didn't work because it didn't recognize the iTunes Library, so I downloaded the last version from the Apple site.

I will keep on searching for a solution (I'm a mac user from 1990, the first mac I worked with was a SE and my first mac was a LCII)

If you have any clue, I'll be grateful.

Gonzalo Martinez.
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