
Tropics Tech
Not that i am making a professional move to iWeb but i am playing around with it and have published to a different domain other than .mac. That is fine... but i would like to add a simple blog... perhaps link it to a WordPress blog that i have created. I can't find the output source to create my own nav menu nor change the existing nav menu to point to the directory for WordPress.

The blog in iWeb works but with out the .mac account it is not possible to have guest post comments?

Need two things:
1. simply put a url into the header nav?
2. get iWeb blog to work on a seperate domain?

Thanks... i've dug deep and found many people irritated with this issue.


Well, this is conversation I had with someone in techsupport.


HI. I have successfully installed Wordpress at my website. My host is Dreamhost. I have a URL which I assume I can include a link to from my website which would take the user to the blog, but is it possible to include wordpress in such a way that it shows up as one of the pages, as all the other pages do?

Thanks so much!

icemanjc - Mar 24, 2007 - 9:02 pm

No there is no way to do it within iWeb, but you can edit the HTML, by using an HTML editor. First create a dummy page in iWeb, then go to the code for link at the top for that dummy page and edit it, to do the location of your Wordpress blog, and you can change the name too. Then do that for each of the pages you have created.

Someone - Mar 24, 2007 - 9:34 pm

Okay, makes sense. I created a dummy page and named it Blog. It's all blank in iWeb. But do you mean open the page that says Blog HTML? I opened Dreamweaver 8, and navigated to the published website in my User folder.

Blog HTML page sits outside the folder that says Blog.

When I go to Code there's a whole bunch. I'll paste in the first "paragraph" below.

I'm not sure where in here I can enter in the URL for my actual wordpress blog, though.

icemanjc - Mar 24, 2007 - 9:37 pm

Each of the real pages you created have the link to the dummy page, find that link in each othe real pages and change that to the real link to you Blog.

First you go into the folder where the pages are held, and you open up each individual one.
You can just search for blog.html .
JC, thanks i am aware i can rip code with
other editors but there must be away to edit the nav bar in iWeb?

Create new page, then with the inspector we can set hyperlinks and we
can hide the nav bar... i can add an exterior url within text or img and
place it up near the nav bar at the top... but is there no way to edit the
nav bar within iWeb? That's my simple question?

The code iWeb spits is a nightmare... might as well edit it from a MSword
export to html page.

Maybe i just answered my own question... it's not possible!!!

Apple keeps tight control for the .mac subscriptions.

Can't sleep... need an answer!!!

Kind regards,

Well .. Some iWeb results can be pretty, but can you do anything professionally when you can't see or edit the html in a .. well, web editor?

It makes about as much sense to me than to make an excel clone (hey, finally there is Numbers) that wouldn't allow you to see or edit numbers. If the logic is that the average Joe gets afraid of seeing html code, maybe the average Joe should as well be afraid of calculations .. so hide them and he can't see them, all he gets is pretty code .. or hide the mathematic formulas as those can be annoying, and let him just see the pretty numbers...

Does anyone know yet if iWeb 2.0 allows you to see and edit the HTML, finally??

Before that will be an option .. there are alternatives out there.

Rapidweaver - a fast and light way to build pages, and at least you can see the code. Still will need cleaning up the code, including as minor details if you want different page for a href to where it actually links (if you don't want to link to "dummy%20link" page from your "dummy link"). Still a bit more usable.

TextWrangler, SubEthaEdit, BBedit etc. can't beat them. Who needs gui??

NVU - works. Not perfect but works.

Bluefish, Amaya, .. use with X11 or in a virtual machine when they work more integrated in Linux distros. When something does what you need and is a free app, it's usually a good thing.

Or of course GoLive or Dreamweaver ..

I guess no perfect alternative out there. But at least they allow you to edit what you need.
I've done my website in iWeb for at least a year now. My clients and my friends alike don't have slightest idea it was made with a consumer application. Albeit, I don't have motion graphics embedded, but I don't feel I need them, either. I really do wish that iWeb would allow me to see the code, and I've used GoLive and Dreamweaver, but I always end up going for the simplicity of a WYSIWYG editor.