Jaguar is $50 off at Amazon!

Only thing is, it seems kind of fishy to me when there is just a picture without a corresponding webpage, so you guys should probably download it fast since it might disappear!

What do you mean? What seems fishy? If you look up Mac OS 10.2 Jaguar,
there's a link to the $50 rebate right there on the page.
So those who bought 10.0 and provided feedback to Apple to correct all of the problems throughout the last 15 months up to the 10.1.5 release get to pay the same price as those who puchased nothing.

Consider this: Someone is paying the $50 rebate back to the consumer who purchases 10.2 from Amazon, eh? Who would that be? Is it Amazon who is really footing the bill? Perhaps this is Apple's response to the vitriol launched in their direction by people like me; maybe they're really giving Amazon a $50 credit on each rebate received.

I was going to write that I resent being treated like a Microsoft customer but they give their existing customers better upgrade pricing....
Oops, I didn't see the $50 special offer thing (give me a break, it was really late when I found it:)) and thought it could have been an oversight/premature release/something like Time's mistake with the iMac article a day before it came out.
On the rebate form, you have to check the product you are getting a rebate on. There is a listing for OS X 10.1 but not for OS X 10.2.

It makes me wonder if there is a mistake in having Jaguar with a link to a rebate.
Jocknerd: are you being sarcastic?
Unless I'm seeing things then there IS in fact an option for Jaguar. Look in the middle of the image and go down from the top. You will see "Mac OS X 10.2: Jaguar" with a $50 rebate checkbox.
I checked the Amazon page today and the $50
rebate is good. It's on the OS X10.2 page. Plus,
you can use a floating $5 off $35 coupon so your
purchase is $74 with free shipping after rebate!
Is this rebate available to Canadians? There's a Canadian version of (, but it doesn't have near as much stuff as the .com site does.

I know it just recently started, but you would think they would have all the stuff that the .com site would.
It wasn't there over the weekend either - they must have added the link to the coupon recently.

How does one get the $5 discount of things over $35 also?
Does anyone have original rebate JPEG that they can post (or e-mail)? The rebate should still work because it's within the dates listed, we just can't get it to print from Amazon's site.

OK, I've checked on Amazon's website on two different occasions, including just now (Friday Aug. 2, 8:45 PM Central), and I cannot find any mention of a rebate for Mac OS X v10.2 Jaguar. I looked on the page for that specific product, which is at

The only incentive I could see either time I checked was that Amazon offered "Super Saver Shipping" with Mac OS X v10.2. No rebate.

Also, when I tried downloading and printing the rebate form linked at the top of this thread, only part of the form would print, no matter how I tried messing with the print settings.

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Is Amazon going back and forth, offering the rebate, then not, then offering it again?
Because of unexpect demand for this item, pulled the rebate. They made the statement that they will honor rebates on all order received before the deadline. " He who hesitates is lost!".
I got mine in last Monday, as soon as I read about the deal. It will be interesting to see if will hold up their end of the deal with the rebate. I downloaded the form and have the hard copy.
Note: Apple should take note of this situation and restructure their pricing schedule. Early adapters usually get a price break.