Kernel Panics .. how often do you get them?


Chmod 760
Staff member
I'm shocked. :eek:

When did you guys have the last time your kernel panic? I just got one in panther. :confused:

I got maybe 4-5 in Jaguar, tons of them in 10.1 (but that was because of a faulty logic card) .. and this is the first one in panther. :eek:
To date I've only had three (Mac OS X DP4 - 10.2.6). When including clients systems, I've seen dozens.
Giaguara said:
I just got one in panther. :confused:

I got maybe 4-5 in Jaguar
Ditto from me, except not so many in 10.1 I was actually blown away by the KP, I'd just rebooted after installing an updated printer driver when up came the multi-lingual KP screen.
I have had two, I think, possibly 3. Not one on my G3 (OSX) imac but 3 three on my firewire 800 pbook.
I have found that they have been to some extent my fault, or at least they only occur when I am doing something unusual, eg. using bluetooth. Other times, I think once using classic, or once when I had been arsing around with terminal...
I've had one, over a year ago now, running 10.2.0. The issue was corrected in 10.2.1. However, one thing that will tend to lock my system up pretty effectively is a scratched CD-Rom. You might get control back, but the system won't mount CDs again until after you've rebooted.
I've had only one, from 10.0 to now, and it was totally my fault - I had edited a system file and corrupted it (oops).
I had a couple when X was first released, but didn't use X then, just played around with it. When Jaguar came out, I went to it full time. Have had one since then, caused by Norton's.
I had TONS from the time I (switched) bought my pb17" in March up until October, when I finally called applecare and figured out that the RAM chip was bad. Since then I haven't seen a single one.

Dang Windows world conditioned me to live with Kernel Panic type happenings on a regular basis. Finally I opened my eyes and realized Apple shouldn't be doing this to me. Whew, was I glad to know there was a simple fix.

none in Pather yet.
I had those maybe 50-100 in 10.1 because of the issue I had with faulty logic cards .. those of Jaguar, mostly no idea. I was really surprised with the KP in 10.3 - I know what I was running but I can't indicate one thing that would have caused it. I had afp:// in finder running (getting one big file from a friend), HandBrake ripping one of my DVDs, Dreamweaver, and a few other net connected applications. First everything really slwoed down for a few hours .. Safari would not connect to anything, then Firebird either .. I had hoped restarting finder would have helped, but I was afraid of losing the big file ... :( Well, the one in 10.3 looks exactly like those in 10.2. ;)
Probably about once every three or four months, not counting the last two days, in which I have gotten about fifteen. Something croaked on my system, such that whenever I tried to produce sound, the computer would kernal panic :p
A few with 10.2, but it was my Pionner DVR-105 fault...

With 10.3 none, if I remember right, but I have a little problem with my logic board and I have to replace it one day...
10.0 - Had one or two.
10.1 - Had one or two.
10.2 - Had quite a few
10.3 - None so far, since Panther's release.

In any case, they were always triggered by my plugging and unplugging of USB devices... I refuse to buy a hub, unless I find one for dirt cheap...
As I said above I've had one in Panther which happened immediately upon rebooting after installing printer drivers. Apart from that Panther is extremely stable, the only things I've had to Force Quit so far were the Microsoft Office updaters, which is an acknowledged problem.
10.0: none, didnt use it often
10.1: never used it
10.2: tons... i got KP's every 2 hours... then it just stopped... weird.
10.3: 2. 1 which i forget and another one trying to launch classic.
My iMac's never seen a KP since I've had it, but my dad's work iBook got one the first time he tried to boot it into OS X.

Hopefully I won't get any in 10.3 either...