Language encodings in Safari and Mail



At work I was trying to get some Unicode Russian copy in a layout in Illustrator (long story), and I think that I may have messed something up in the language encodings. Now in safari when I go to, say macupdate, half the page text displays correctly, half does not (see attachment). Similar results in Mail. Not always in the bodyof the message, but always in the "From" or "Subject" etc area, in the message pane. The encodings for both programs are set to ISO 1, and I turned everything off in the international pane of system prefs except US English. I can't really remember everything I did when I was fooling around trying to meet the deadline, just tried to return everything to default. If anyone has any ideas about what is going on please let me know.

Oh yeah, already tried trashing prefs for mail and safari, to no avail.

Thanks everyone,



  • Scrn-MacUpdate.pdf
    75 KB · Views: 4

So now I was trying to trash some fonts to see if they were the culprits, so I dragged some particular fonts to the trash. Then I tried to empty the trash and it did, except for two fonts, which could not be, because they were in use. So I logged out, and back in, and got the same thing. What app could be using them? I thought that if they were outside a Library/Fonts folder, they were not active? Is there anyway to just trash them anyway?

again thanks,


I was able to trash the font files after I completely shut down my laptop. That seemed to fix the issue. Funny how fonts can completely screw you sometimes.
