Lets get together some arguments why MAC is better than PeeCee!!!


Simply Mac-Loving
At the school I go to we all use Windowze and it is just ****ing bad. i am practically the only person that uses MAC in a crowd of 500 people!!! They always argue PeeCees are sooo much better because they have more software and... and... and... (they don't know what to say)... um... MACS SUCK!!!
I reply in terror: But its so much easier and user-friendly!!! And they go back ............



ask them how many of all those countless amounts of software do they actually own. i am sure you can show them that there is a mac version or mac equivilent of almost all of them except games. and if the bought a computer just to play games on, they are really stupid. even a playstation2 is cheaper than a good gaming computer and the grahics are better and faster. if you want a computer you buy a mac, if you want a game station there are several good ones to choose from. hell, my super nintendo plays better than most computers.

of course i don't really want everybody to run out and start buying macs anymore. let em live in their whitebread world. when you know the truth you don't really need to convince anybody else. just smile and feel the inner peace that goes with true knowing. maybe someday they will share our heaven, but until then nobody but M$ is going to force anything on them.:D

of course there is that less viruses arguement. remember that fear is one of their great motivators.
One thing I like to do in that type of situation is ask a question. If the is so bad why did Bill Gates steal the OS? If they argue that you are full of it, offer to lend them your copy of Pirates of Silicon Valley. You do have a copy, right? And another one to ask, if they suck so bad, why don't they have the learn your computer "Video Proffesor" CD's for Mac? They will most like reply with "cuz they suck". Then you can let them know it's because they are to easy to use to have to watch a video. Plus I've called the 800 # and asked them why. They couldn't tell me.
Yeah, i liked that Film, it was good... and Nice Eye Opener... I Just feel Sorry For Xerox! If only They knew...!
Did Apple Really Have them F**k off Food Fights?! hehe!
Is that Film Available 2 buy though?
... i only See it on Sky Digi here in tha Uk... But I'd like a copy of it!
I Bet Its Never Come 2 DVD, has it?!
Anyway... Holla Back!

Yes the food fight is true! The one I have is on VCD, it's an offical copy not a burnt one. Try looking for it on ebay. As for Xerox, they knew, just too stupid. Just like Steve was. Don't get me wrong, I love what Steve has done, but that was one chance he never should have taken. Of course it would have happened sooner or later.
pc is much better for games then consoles. upgradable. some games not on console so you have it on pc. most games not on mac. :(
all my games not on console so i play them on pc. mac is not for gameing for me cus they aint there and won't ever be. so i use mac if ever for other stuff like audio and burning cd's at times. mostly i use win xp and games.
In my experience, you can't argue something like that with people who have never known anything else. The only way to convince them is to show them.

Case in point...

I work at an office that uses only Dell (crap) PC's. About 40% of the designers there use Macs at home. The other 60% are PC oriented, and haven't ever touched a Mac.

When I got my PowerBook G4, I brought it in to work one day and showed it off. The PC folk had their jaws on the floor. They had never seen a laptop so well designed, so sleek, so light, so powerful. Two designers converted from PCs to Macs. One bought a new G4, another bought an iBook. Both are very happy with their decision.

So, don't waste your time trying to convert them with the age old Mac v. PC argument. The best way to do it is by showing them what the Mac can do and let them make up their own mind.
I have to agree with part of that last post. Another thing to ask is how much time they have spent on both platforms. Unless there is a fair amount of time on both they are not able to make a compairison.
lol one thing I've learned in high school is that hardcore PC users are as good as trolls. If you ignore them they go away cause in the end when they see the blue screens o death they realize that what they use stinks but wont admit to it lol.
Hey guys AdmiralAK replied to my thread. Wow the legendary AdmiralAk!!!!! Replyed to my thread!!! WOW


anything NT based doesnt have a blue screen of death:)

Seriously my XP comp aint been rebooted in 2 months and it hasnt crashed once.
my god...
eveyrone knows me :p

well I am using XP under VPC at the moment trying to fix a few things. No blue screens of death...just some frustration :p lol

Originally posted by FrgMstr
anything NT based doesnt have a blue screen of death:)

Seriously my XP comp aint been rebooted in 2 months and it hasnt crashed once.

actually there are blue screens in nt based windoze systems. they just won't appear too often.
mostly, windoze nt just freezes, or restarts tha peecee.
Well, considering AdmiralAKs post count, it is unlikely that he doesn't reply to any thread opened here :p

Just kidding, AdmiralAK ;)
Below are some personal notes I've gathered in my ongoing attempt to explain to the world why Apple leads the pack in terms of innovation, design and engineering. With a scant 3-6% market share, they have somehow managed to lead the industry on many levels of innovation and creativity. They implemented Firewire/USB--removed floppy disks and set a new design standard all in one fell swoop (iMac). The PC world stumbled on themselves to duplicate that effort. Unreal. There's a reason the Mac has been around for so long with really very little fundamental change. It's because they nailed it. They just plain nailed it.

QuickTime vs. WMP/AVI
Apple was first to lead the way with a software video rendering technology. Microsoft followed suit, of course, literally stealing code (code comments intact!) to get up and running. QuickTime was recently chosen by ISO to be the choice for Mpeg-4 delivery.

Not invented by Apple, but they were the first to take that bold step publicly. The single button legacy still haunts them, but the intial rigorous standards for the "Human Interface Guidelines" as published by Apple still hold strong to this day.

Mac OS vs. Windows
As A GUI, not invented by either company, but without question popularized by Mac OS. Also, Apple did it correctly right out of the gate, whereas Windows took several incarnations to even come close. Ironically, Bill Gates was the Mac OS's biggest fan, looking for software development deals for the platform and urging Apple to consider hardware alignments with IBM. He was right.

Applescript vs. Visual Basic
Both are excellent ways to enhance the interface experience. I don't know which came first or which is more powerful. As a non-programmer, Visual Basic sounds easier to deal with though. A visual studio for Applescript is due out soon, so that may change things.

Game Sprockets vs. DirectX
From what I saw of the few examples showing Apple's proprietary 3D technology (QuickDraw 3D), it was extremely fast even on sucky machines. Unfortunately, it never caught on. Neither did the Game Sprockets in general. Apple's poor support and irreverance for the gaming community killed it. DirectX went on to become a near standard and delivers excellent performance and quality.

Apple was way ahead on this one, and I mean WAY ahead. So far ahead, it took other companies a couple of years to catch up. Unfortunately, Apple was a little too ahead of even themselves. The handwriting recognition was a joke. Memory prices at the time were outrageous. They were expensive and bulky by comparison. It eventually died, but virtually all Palm Pilot variations are direct ripoffs in design and software.

Digital Camera
Apple was way ahead on this one also. Once again, they were a little too far ahead. Nobody else had a digital camera anywhere near $1000. Apple's was just under that price, but it was not suitable for professional work at that time. Unfortunately, color inkjets were still expensive and of lower quality. It also preceded the internet revolution, so it coudn't find a home in that environment. It eventually died, but was a sign of what was to come in the industry.

The audacity and disproportionate power of Apple to develop their own technology and have enough oomph to force it on the PC market indirectly through peripheral technology is amazing.

See FireWire notes. PC manufacturers should be ashamed for being so out of touch.

HyperCard vs. PowerPoint
HyperCard existed in the mid-eighties and included the ability to script actions as well as use simple drag and drop graphics and animations. Almost as easy as PowerPoint and almost as powerful as Director, years before either.

Pippin vs. X Box
Apple was yet again psychic, this time predicting the relationship of computer to game console. And once again they were years ahead of the game and also once again they were just a little too early. Apple made a PowerPC-based game console that sold only in Japan as a test. It flopped. Apple should have known better as someone on their campus (Jobs?) coined the "killer app" phrase. Pippen had no killer app (game). It did include a CD-ROM drive, another early adopter of this format. Microsoft instead waited patiently and delivered a killer game box. Somehow, their "wait and see" approach keeps working. Remember the internet?

TrueType vs. GX OpenType
I'll call this one a wash, but once again point out that Apple was WAY ahead of the game on this issue of more robust fonts. GX allowed ligatures and most of the other subset advantages of OpenType. Unfortunately, it was clumsy to implement (required a GX Extension I believe) and eventually died. Years later, Microsoft and Adobe teamed up and created OpenType, which has excellent promise, but as-of-yet unseen acceptance. If OpenType catches on, it will be the bomb.

It doesn't get any easier to make your own movies. Microsoft, and everyone else for that matter, have yet to catch up in creating a simple, easy to use, but professional quality video editing solution. (Edit: XP finally delivered with what looks to be a decent solution, albeit three years later) Apple is one of the only companies that takes the small, simple stuff very seriously. Other companies don't seem to give attention to such things.

All the in-house research and focus groups determined that the iMac had no hope. A computer with no floppy disk? Are you crazy? A built-in monitor? Are you crazy? Yes, Steve Jobs is crazy. Four million iMacs later it is the best selling computer model in history (including PC machines).

The Cube
Now this thing is just fucking cool as hell. Too bad it was overpriced, unexpandable and had no market. But still…
Cinema Display Jut another reminder that Apple is in the hardware business. And wow, what another nice piece of hardware. And the balls to charge $4,000 for it.

Wireless Networking
Yeah, it's called Airport. It's been around a coupl eof years now. Microsoft and others just now catching up. I can't say that Apple invented wireless networking, but they once again brought it to the masses, put it in all their machines, made it easy and affordable and it works great.

iDVD (don't know name of XP software)
And with iDVD2 just around the corner, it gets even more amazing. We're talking drag and drop DVD authoring that rivals some prefessional attempts. Unbelievable.

OS-level CD burning
While not perfect (single session burns only), it's darned convenient, drag and drop, super easy. Surprise, surprise--XP's ads just now claiming the same feature.

Nothing completely innovative, but a good clean design and interface with iTunes make this a winner. Also, the Firewire connection points out why all other USB solutions are a total joke in comparison.