Longest Uptime??

5:25PM up 1 day, 7:56, 6 users, load averages: 1.95, 1.68, 1.66

Uptime gives you current time, time (days and hours) system has been up, number of users, and load averages over last 1, 5, and 15 messages.

If a person has more than 1 users in the uptime output, that's usually still okay. Type "who" to see who is using your machine:

[localhost:~] flash% who
flash console Jun 7 09:31
flash ttyp1 Jun 7 14:06
flash ttyp2 Jun 8 17:22
flash ttyp3 Jun 8 17:22
flash ttyp4 Jun 8 17:22
flash ttyp5 Jun 8 17:22
[localhost:~] flash%

Often, multiple users are just you with different terminal windows.
My longest uptime to date is 24 days (I had to restart to install 10.1.5 :( ) My longest down time is about 2 weeks, when I did some "experimenting" with my IIvx :D
As a file and test web server, that was about 25 days ago, still going strong (OSX 10.1.4... if I have to upgrade to 10.1.5 I'll have to restart!!:D )

Well, I was able to squeeze 20 days of uptime before I upgraded to 10.1.4. Now I am at 7 days and may lose that if I upgrade to 10.1.5 :( I am very happy with OS X as I have only had one system wide crash and kernel panic...with 9 I had a crash pretty much each and every day! Can't wait until 10.2 is released...it sounds like they really improved it!

Have a great day!

I had my first Kernal Panic on my LCD iMac at home (something to do with ADSL modem!). Fantastic, one system crash since OSX.0 was released (save a few freezes the odd month).

I luv OSX!!:D
I have not had to restart for any reasons other than upgrading the system. OS 9 crashes about 3 times a day for me. I cannot wait untill I get Pshop 7.0 then I will get rid of OS 9.
Oh yeah? Check this out:

[Aliens:~] nkuvu% uptime
 9:36PM  up 12352 days, 13:10, 2 users, load averages: 3.10, 1.21, 0.84
[Aliens:~] nkuvu%

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! 33 years on OS X! Beat that!

What? No, I didn't change my system clock. That'd be stupid. Huh? Well, I might have changed a number here and there. One number. Or maybe two.

Okay, okay! I added the 2, the 3, the 5 and the 2 to my uptime. So I rebooted yesterday to fsck! What's the big deal?

My best uptime for OS X 10.1.4 is about 6 hours :( ... not much compared to my intel linux boxes (which i had thought would compare well to OS X, being BSD based)

Athlon 900/384 mb. ram, SuSE linux 7.3 , uptime 93 days (file/print server, SQL server,(local)name server)
Athlon 650/256 mb. ram, SuSE linux 8.0, uptime 23 days (webserver)
Pentium2 366/96 mb. ram, SuSE linux 7.3, uptime 85 days (firewall)
10.1 server with an uptime of 63 days until some moron in the office turned it off thinking it wasnt being used!!! He was a windows user, go figure
i shut down everynight, i just dont like the idea of the ram keeping a charge for months on end, and i like to save the power. i need to sleep every night, so why cant my computer?

Hmm, this is weird, when I upgraded to 10.1.4 and checked my uptime it told me I had 365 days of uptime :rolleyes: it was very weird but it kept count, every day would add another day to the figure, when I restarted again the problem went away...

Well, I upgraded to 10.1.5 but guess what? I never lost my uptime :D Instead of restarting when I was done I just logged out and logged back in, I kept my 10 days of uptime AND even my dialup connection. OS X really rocks!

Well, OSX did crash only once since December. I had to reboot often - getting back to OS9 or just installing some software.

<b>However</b>, I read some posts here about OS9 which just sound like OS9 is worse than Windows :(: did I read 3 crashes a day somewhere ?

I had important design work in January - OS9 didn't crashed from December 21 to February 14, I remember. And it didn't crashed Jan 14 —_I had to reboot on OSX to try some more software :).

So I've been using OS 9.22 for very long indeed, using:
- Adobe Photoshop 5, Adobe Illustrator 8
- Quark XPress 4 Passport
- Action GoMac, Action WYSIWYG, Action Files
- Finder (obvious)
- ACDSee
- ATM Deluxe
- several other softs, including some control panels like Power Windows, Kaleidoscope, JAG II, etc.
None of these apps I never closed. So don't say too much bad about OS9 - it won't make OS X better ;) - and it stays an EXCELLENT OS in my opinion, for I've been very productive under it - which I'm not under OSX*.

*: productivity is NOT being able to view Star Wars in a window while listening at B52's in another while typing in TextEdit while downloading from Versiontracker. Productivity is fonts showing immediately, process bars disappearing, and so on.


Oh, I forgot to say my Mac SE running OS6 never crashed (over a year using it), Microsoft Word 5 always opened.
Well.. i finally figured out where the apple.com.drivers.USBMouse crash was coming from (http://www.macosx.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=123582#post123582),
but OS X 10.1.5 is still extremely unstable on my B/W G3 :( .. the kernel trap has disappeared, only to be "replaced" by frequent lockup's.. happens every 20-40 mins :( ..
I've (re)moved/placed RAM blocks, switched between 6 different harddisks, zapped PRAM, and nothing has worked :(
So i guess that Apple's switch campaign (www.apple.com/switch) hasnt really worked for me :(
I'm going back to my old intel/linux box(es).. A shame! I really like OS X :(
currently its been

9:05PM up 5 days, 1:06, 3 users, load averages: 0.92, 1.18, 1.07

with the exception of a couple of kernel panics OS X has been rock stable
for me (10.1.5). i couldnt never have said the same for when
i was on win 98 or now win 2k at my PC at work...
Its been 10 days since I've upgraded to 10.1.5, and no crashes :D

I use Win2k Pro at work. On monday the machine I was working on crashed twice and spontaneously restarted once....heh stupid government:rolleyes:
Hmm... must be something wrong with your hardware! .. I've been running 2000 for a few years, and recently switched to XP Prof.. I must have had about 4-5 crashes total. (which i have with Mac OS X every day).
I used to work as a sysadm for a windows 2k network (1500+ machines), and i cant say we had a crash every day!

The reason i switched wasnt because of instability (i already used linux anyway), but because i really like the way OS X works! (when it works)

as a side note... linux has _never_ crashed on me in the 6+ years i've used it ;)