Lord of the Rings


A Mac New Guy
Have you seen the new lord of the rings movie? I have and I think they stretched the end a bit. The war scenes were outstanding, though. They were great.
I like how they explained each part of the movie. The movie was fantastic and the illustrations at the end were the extra goodies. If you watched all the way through the credits LOTR was made with Apple's Shake.
I thought it was the weakest of the three. Maybe watching all three together, it'll shine. I thought the direction and cinematography rocked and the CGI was near-flawless, but still I didn't get any goosebumps watching any part. Maybe King Theold (sp?). The actor was a delight and surprise of the series. Sean Astin was Oscar-worthy. And McKellan is always good. But the rest seem distracted. Aragon should have made the screen quake ,but I was distracted by his riding back and forth on the horse (they should have watched BraveHeart).
Gimli was barely there. Legolas only had one good scene and it was done better in When Clones Attack.
Even the majesty of the fight scene was a bit muddled. Not once did I go: WOW! And as bad as the Matrix sequels were, there were scenes that WOWed me.
Dropping Christopher Lee was a mistake. A few minutes of him would have been nice.
For those who didn't see the extended versions, it's not explained how Frodo got the water light to scare Shelob away. Gimli and Legolas also cruise for adventure at the end of the book. As good as Gollum was, he seemed old hat this time.
As hot as Liv Tyler was, she didn't do much and I kept waiting for a "Mr Anderson, it's goooood to see you" from the Elven King, Mr Hugo Weaving.
I liked the movie, but it didn't rock my boat as much as I expected it to.

Flame away, just putting my $.03 in.
The Return Of The King? Hmmmmm... Nah! The Return Of BS more like it :p

I liked part 2 and even part 1 but this? Nah! Too many reasons why I hated part 3 to post them here :D
It's nothing compared to the book! (Somebody had to say that...) But I still hope they're going to do "The Hobbit": I'd really like to see Smaug!
I'm going to try to catch it soon enough...just been so busy recently that i've had no time for anything. Oh..and if you are married....go and rent or find "Alexandras Project" on DVD..it's going to scare the living crap out of you. heh.
Okay, after some confusion with connecting with my friends, we all went down and saw it... and it was awesome. Some parts dragged a bit, especially the end, but you just can't beat a great fight scene. And there were a few great fight scenes.

My friends were complaining about how they didn't show Sauramon at the end... the way they described it, I think this is a better cinematic ending for short-attention-span, happy-ending-craving audiences.

My friend James said that David Aston is now his hero. (He apparently played "Gondorian Soldier #3.") So he started going on and on about how great David Aston was, how he's going to start a fan site, how he made the movie great, etc. The ironic part is that we don't even know which guy he was; we were speculating he might have been the guy the orc skewered in the town (after the fighting, those who have seen it should know what I mean), but we have no idea. It was hilarious, though.
I've found no 3 good but not as exceptional as no 1 and no 2.

It fits well with the book.
After seeing the extended versions of 1 and 2, I noticed sections in 3 that left you wondering what happened. I mean suddenly the scene changed making you question what happened. I bet the extended version of 3 will explain those questions.

Maybe our expectations were set to high. I was wondering if Frodo would make it (I couldn't remember how the book ended). But it wasn't until several hours later that the movie Wow'd me.
I look forward to the extended release. :)
For sure, the best of the three, but they could have chopped off the last 15 minutes for entertainments sake. They could have saved that for the extended DVD version to help put you to sleep after the excitment of all the battles.

Ok is it just me or in the end does it look like Frodo and Sam are about to make out
hah. yeah absolutely, that last scene where Frodo is going away on the boat and looks back with that totally overblown slow-motion dreamy look in his eyes. Another thing that was way overblown was Frodo's never-ending sad/confused puppy dog look that has somehow endured over all three movies.

look familiar?

Eomer of Rohan = cool
Frodo of the Shire = not cool

Riders of Rohan = cool
Hobbits = not cool

Giant flaming battering rams smashing through the huge steels gates at Minas Tirith = cool
Sam and Frodo hugging and acting wimpy on Mount Doom = not cool
JetwingX said:

Ok is it just me or in the end does it look like Frodo and Sam are about to make out

A lot of girls in the audience wooped and awwed at that bit, but I thought it was very well done and brave. I think one of the things that they didn't quite manage to communicate in the movie is how very victorian, reserved and unemotional the hobbit culture really is - you can see it with a few of the incidental characters like the old man who smiles at Gandalf's premature fireworks display in the first movie and his scowling wife. To hobbits, the display of emotion at the end of the film would have been even more extraordinary than it is in western culture.

I thought it dragged out a bit at the end, but it was worth it because it more thoroughly completed the story.

I have to admit, I got pretty sick of Frodo's kicked-puppy close-ups too, though.
I liked all three, some compromises had to be made to ensure that the story could be adapted for the big screen but anybody who can bring such a famous story to the big screen successfully should be applauded. Fanatics would argue about every possible film version of the story anyway so Jackson created his own vision of what a Lord of the Rings film should be like. The attention to detail and the skill involved in bringing such a fragmented narrative onto the big screen is admirable.

I liked at the end, when the Hobbits rode up on horses, how they just nodded at the guy working in his garden as if nothing had happened over the last year, as if they had just been down to the watering hole or something. (In those clothes?...)

"That still only counts as one!" :D
So Egypt is not the capital of cool, but they did get the movie here just in time for the Oscars, and I just got back from it. I thought it was better than the first two. There was more development of the personalities and less of the endless running here and there. The end was necessary as per the story, since they had to forego the mini-war with Sharkey...

I have to agree that Frodo's mug got a little tedious, but Sam was always the real hero anyway. :D

The schmaltz was as sticky as pine sap in August, but I thought the little forehead kiss thing was great, Frodo becomes Galadriel and Sam becomes Frodo, the savior of the shire...

I like how the story was retold. Elrond delivering the sword of Narsil and suggesting the dark path was a brave departure from the original storyline, but it made things work. I still have issues with the stiffness of the elves though, but ... so what, right? Long Live the Race of Men!

"That still only counts for one!" We were the only ones in the theater laughing!

Now I need to get all three extended versions and crank up the projector. ;)