M$ wants to own the "internet"


Find a golden apple.
You've all seen the rumor "Microsoft wants to buy Google, No Joke" right?

but i also think its deeper than that. i think M$ wants to own the "internet".

What are your thoughts?
I've seen good evidence to support the idea that Microsoft is trying to control the Internet.
Consider .Net, a direct competitor to Java. Consider the way MS deliberately made Java run badly in recent versions of Windows. Consider the way they introduce standards that defy the W3C, then build those standards into their operating systems.
Consider the way they integrate the web browser into their operating system so that users are 'persuaded' to use a Microsoft browser.
Yeah, i'm a die hard Microsoft supporter, but sometimes i do think they go a little too far.
I'm all for getting a better product, for free...
so if MS wants to make a good search engine, go ahead!
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So does absolute wealth. :)

I'll believe it when I see it- MS buying Google. Google apparently isn't in dire straits financially- they bought Pyra Labs (creators of Blogger) a couple of months ago.

Still, MS could buy and sell all of us haha....If we'd let them. ;)
yeah just like they got hotmail and made it microsoft efficient only?
Google is one of the best seach engines because it is simple. The last thing they need is to look like Yahoo, Excite, or Lycos.
I think eventually Microsoft will collaborate with other companies to make a second internet for MS users only. The original internet will still be around but won't benefit from their "magical technology". I wouldn't mind that as i am tired of die hard microsoft owned companies and news that have no opinion of their own.
Perhaps i'm wrong, but it is something to ponder.
Yeah, let those freaks get on their MSN and get off the open internet. Let them swim in their own little proprietary pool. It's funny to see a company that is where it is because it's superior competition stayed too closed now trying to close itself down. It's one thing to not learn from your mistakes, but to defy the reasons that you even exist is just retarded.

Yeah, I hope MS does close down their customers into their own little internet thingy. Then their customers will realize the MS isn't the world, and they'll start once again forming opinions instead of retrieving their own opinions out marketing brochures.

... maybe I'm just bitter. Maybe we're just better.
In a way it's off topic, but not enough:

I was reading a book in my World History class and it said something about how Microsoft invented the internet. It ticked me off to know schools are preaching crap like that.
Yeah, especially since the concept of the internet wasn't even on M$ priority list. I'll bet some M$ employee helped write that book.
Maybe the author(s) meant: "Before I installed Windows 98, there was no internet." Much like some people believe the world was created in 1492. ;)
No, some people actually think Microsoft have/did/are help(ing) to "develop" the internet. A few years ago, i spoke to a woman, and i said the usual obligatory comments about Mr Bill, and she said "But what about everything He (and MS) have done for the internet??"
My classmates say, "God Bless Mr. Gates Soul, Microsoft made our lives easier and without him there would be no personal computer."

Then I explain my point of view and they dismiss it as myth. Meanwhile, they want me to tell them their password on their pc.

By the way, America was discovered in 1986 along with glam rock