MAC Boot Up Problem


Hi Everyone,

When I turn on my mac its started to freeze at the grey apple logo and pixels start flashing on the screen. I have attached a picture to show what I mean.

It does the same when booting into safe mode. the furthest I have got is to the desktop but before I have the chance to click on anything it freezes.

It has happened since I downloaded an after effects script but I cant get on to the mac for long enough to remove it.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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If it does the same thing it might be a bad hard drive or something else. To test the drive (just a little geeky way without spending money) read the Apple document Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck. Play attention to the fsck section (performing when in Single-User Mode). That command line built-in program might be able to fix a malfunctioning hard drive.

If fsck does have to repair the drive consider getting a new internal drive because the internal drives time is almost up.

Good Luck and report back if fsck had to fix anything. If it isn't the hard drive consider taking to somewhere to get it fixed.