Mac loving Teachers


hey there. Are there any other teachers that love mac in here? I love macs so much i have 3!!! Ibook, Imac, and Emac. Yep i am a addict.
i think owning 3 macs isn't that special on this forum... There are people who have more than 10 macs. I have 4 (actually my dad :p)
My moms a teacher, and she loves macs to death.
She carries her iBook with her everywhere and tends to sync it every 5 minutes with her iMac whenever she get's home. :D I just wish i could have a working mac like her iBook.
My wife is a 5th grade teacher and uses her Powerbook 333(lombard) to keep her class grades and do research for lessons :)

She loves it to death, she also loves the new lexmark trio (scanner/copier/printer) i just bought her. :)

She also participated in the X for teachers ;)

Her class is full of Comcraps, but she put dibs on 16 old (333)iMacs for next year.
I wish my mom would give me an in the world could a teacher buy 3 macs for kids?!