Mac Mail annoyance


Does anyone know how to overcome the following issue in Mac Mail: when you repy to any message (with quoted text enabled) the new mail window displays with the cursor prepositioned on the line directly above the quoted text. Most mail clients preposition the cursor with one blank line between it and the quoted text. Thanks for any help.

Apple did that differently in previous versions of I simply hit the return button - easy enough. Maybe they'll change it again in Leopard...
I've been doing the same thing..hit RETURN then UP ARROW to get the blank line of separation, but if you do a lot of email it's still frustrating.

I know. Similar things happened with lines between your message and the signature. I've been adding and removing lines before the sig in since 10.0, I believe. ;)
Speaking of things that go wrong in Mail, I have an issue that I have not able to get to the bottom of. At what seems like random times when spell checking Mail's spell check window will stop responding. You can't keep spell checking, or close the window, but mail will continue to work as long as you don't mind the spell check window in the foreground. I was saving what I was spell checking to draft quitting mail, then re-launching to solve the problem, and that worked but was a pain. After doing that every few days for several months, I discovered by accident that if I moved the spell check box to another part of the screen, and then re-sized it I could contine the spell check, and then continue without other problems.

Anybody have any thoughts?
well, nice thread hyjack. being it an unreatled problem, we ask that you start a new thread, otherwise you are not going to get much help. but i never tell mail to spell check, in 10.4, if its spelled wrong, the os underlines it in red, and you contol-click and get spelling options, and thats how i do it. if you aren't running 10.4, then your spell checking is done by a plug-in, right? and it sounds like that plug-in is crashing, so see if there's an update for it.
That's not the problem he was describing. If you _want- the quoted text _below_ your answer (which is one of the usual two ways), right now doesn't give you enough space between your text and the quotation.
and it's an absolute pain to read because I have to scroll up and down!
Why would you want to do that? I've noticed a lot of blogs go up the page
That's not the problem he was describing. If you _want- the quoted text _below_ your answer (which is one of the usual two ways), right now doesn't give you enough space between your text and the quotation.
:) ... Well, I guess different preferences for different people here. I usually rip the quotes apart and answer between the quote-parts. And yes, I usually have the quote _first_ and my answer next. However, if I don't do that, I keep the quote at the bottom, because I expect the person I answer to to _know_ what he or she said, basically. The quote's only there so they can quickly verify if there seems to be a misunderstanding. We shouldn't overestimate the importance of quoting E-Mail text and underestimate people's intelligence either. Back when we wrote letters, we didn't send a copy of what _they've_ written along, did we. There are arguments for both having the quote below or above the reply. Apple's made a choice. I wish there was a simple preference (and I thought to remember there was, but it's not there now that I look at it...) about it.
It's strange. When we first started to use email and Usenet (am I showing my age?) we never top-posted did we? And we don't top-post in forums like this.

I guess it's OK in a personal email to quote the original below the answer, just for reference, but in a business context or in a mailing list "digest" it makes reading an absolute pain. And I still can't understand why blogs work that way. I want to start at the beginning and that should be the top, not somewhere near the bottom.