Mac Mini stuck in boot loop!


I have a Mac Mini that has a 1.83Hz Core 2 Duo processor with 1 GB of DDR2 SDRAM, and a 80 GB HD. For no apparent reason it is stuck in a boot loop. When I turn the Mac Mini system on it starts on the grey screen and then gives me this error message "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button." Behind this message are some weird error codes and this message "Mac OS Version: Not Yet Set"

I'm also unable to boot from CD using the C command on startup, it just gives me the same restart message. The only thing I can get into from the boot commands is the Hardware testing, and I've received this error message "4MEM/4/4000000:0x3b8bo390"

This problem has happened to me before so I just left my mac mini alone for almost a year. 2 days ago I decided to boot it up and it actually let me boot from the CD. So I erased the HD and reinstalled the OS. Well it was working fine for 2 days and then the exact same thing is happening again. What can I do? HELP!!!!
The "4MEM ..." failure code means that your memory is not passing the test.
Try removing one of the memory modules, and run the hardware test again. If the test passes, then you have a bad memory module. If the tests fails, remove the last module, and put the first back in. Run the test again. If the test fails again, try that same module in the other slot.
Or, try one known-good (new) memory module, and run the test again.

ALL of your symptoms are likely caused by failing memory.
I had to replace the RAM and my HD was corrupted, how I'm not sure. It's working now though, thanks.

The HD was corrupted by the bad RAM. The HD may have not needed replacing, but considering the age of the machine and that being the original drive is was on borrowed time.
I tried booting the system with just the new RAM and it wouldn't load up, once I changed out the HD it started working fine. Does RAM frequently go bad on these Mac Mini's? This is my first Mac and I'm not pleased with my first experience. Never had such a problem with a PC.
Ram sometimes goes bad - it doesn't matter the type or brand of computer. You may not have experienced RAM failures on a PC, but I certainly have. I worked in a small repair shop, doing a little Mac work, and a lot of PC/Windows work. I would see occasional bad RAM chips. Booting with failing RAM might lockup your computer, or it simply crashes out. This will tend to corrupt any hard drive that's part of that computer. The directory can easily be corrupted, sometimes to the point of permanently damaging the hard drive. It's neither a Mac issue, not a PC/Windows exclusive. You can have the same bad result on any computer.
Just make sure you get RAM from dealers that guaranty heir RAM like OWC or Crucial. This way if the RAM stick goes bad you cab call the company and get it replaced.
I tried booting the system with just the new RAM and it wouldn't load up, once I changed out the HD it started working fine. Does RAM frequently go bad on these Mac Mini's?

Once the directory structure is hosed, the drive may need a lot of software work to be done to make it bootable again. Some of the Intel Minis had a problem with Hynix RAM. But I don't think yours was one of those since you had one of the original Intel Minis.