Mac OS X 10.2.6 and Apache 2


I just upgraded Apache 2.0.44 to 2.0.47, but it won't start up. I went to the terminal and got the following message:

shell> /Library/Apache2/bin/apachectl configtest
Syntax error on line 1119 of /Library/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /Library/Apache2/modules/ into server: dyld: /Library/Apache2/bin/httpd can't open library: /Library/Apache2/lib/libaprutil.0.dylib (No such file or directory, errno = 2)

The file libaprutil.0.dylib is a shortcut that points to libaprutil- in the same directory.

I should also tell you this:
1) I upgraded from PHP 4.3.1 to 4.3.3
Note: the phpinfo() reads it as php 4.3.1. Have not figured out why yet.

2) I then upgraded mySQL from 4.0.12 to 4.0.15. Works fine.

3) Changed LoadModule cgid_module modules/ to LoadModule cgi_module modules/ before installation as per instructions in Read Me.

4) Then, I upgraded the Apache

5) I have an eMac with OS X 10.2.6

Now, how do I fix this?
try backing up your mysql data, and your httpd.conf file, and reinstall apache2, php and mysql fresh. then make the required changes to httpd.conf, and try again. it may be a step you missed that is required before upgrading to or from certain versions of one of the three..
Thanks for the link That is where I did get all the downloads.

I really inexperienced at this so, I'll try to do what you suggest. It might take me a while to do it because I have to figure out how.

Some additional info:
I may have discovered part of the problem, maybe. I have 10 httpd.conf files, I think.
There are:
httpd.conf (this one I change)
Isn't that a little like redundant repetition (pun intended)?
These are all located @ /etc/httpd/

The 9th and 10th file (httpd.conf and httpd.conf.bak) are @ /Library/Apache2/conf/. When I try to start Apache from the System Preferences, /Library/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf is the file it is looking for, but it is trying to open /etc/httpd.conf. Could this be the problem?
Problem solved!

I thought I had gotten all the downloads from ServerLogistics, but the PHP upgrade was from Entropy. I uninstalled Liyanage's and installed the right one and everything worked fine.

Thanks for your help,
