Mac OS X 10.4.3 in Software Update

Mail still won't hide on login, and Safari still has scroll bar graphical glitches. Silly stuff, especially the login items which worked just fine in Panther.
Not happy, the update changed most of my icon's back to the defualt OS X ones. What's up with Apple these days. Also expose' still stuffs up (in Adium as an example) when you press windows in this application, when you click the desired window the below windows generally don't have a shadow or its really small and cuts out. Just weird.
My system crashed when i tried to reboot after the update, but is fine now after it booted up again.

Seems a little quicker..
After reading this thread, I've decided that 10.4.3 will work just fine. :-p

/Doesn't have 30 haxies installed and running at startup