Mac OSX Server

John Philip

Just Member
Have a customer running Xserve.
Not a very large installation: 8 Graphical users on mac's (OS9.x), an admin iMac (OS9.x) and a PC running WinXP Pro.
He is only using the server as a fileserver - not any of the otherwise fantastic things build into it - but he will slowly start to use print, web, ftp etc. etc.
Up to version 10.1.5 of the server sw - he experienced two (related) problems:
1) When a client opens a Photoshop file from the server, does a few modifications, one cannot use 'Save' but has to rename the file.
Needless to say that it is very annoying and gives reason to errors as f.inst. a Quarkx doc containing some of these pics, does not react to a modification, as the file now has a new name!!
2) Clients are unable to 'Trash' files on the server. They can put them in the trash, but not delete. This results in users eventually closing their workstations at days end, leaving the trash full.
Next time the workstation opens, the trash is apparently empty - and the whole 'show' can start again.
Problem is that the full trash still resides on the server = the server runs out of space untill the sysadmin deletes the files on the server itself.
I have setup the file-volume on the server with 'Ignore rights on this volume' as I expect it to have somethingto do with the rights of the clients.
Unfortunately the problem persists.
My customer has bought the most prime and most expensive server support pack from Apple - and it should include a response time of max. 4 hours.
When he reported these two problems in by phone, they claimed that they were aware of the problems (this was under 10.1.5).
He has now been waiting 400 hrs + for an answer from the support people at Apple.
Of course he is geting slightly annoyed by this.
Anyone out there has a fix or workaround??
1 - Just do a Save As with the same file name to overwrite the file, that should work.

2 - Write a shell script that will delete the .Trashes and make it a cron job to run every 24 hours.

4 hours reply from Apple Tech Support - hahhahahahhaha yah rite. Who fed you that line of BS. 400 hours is about the norm.
Dear John,

It sounds to me that you have a Access Prvileges problem.
Does each user on this XServe have a separate ID account to log on with?
Do all the users have admin prvileges?

The solution to this situation is that all you need to one user account with full admin privileges.
So, if everyone logs on with the same ID, you won't have a problem. Don't worry, it won't say "... This user is already logged on". With that, you all have the same group and staff ID tags so you can save and delete the files without this problem.
Also, you all be the same owner etc, so the software thinks that you are the same user.

OK, it would be nice to have each user with a separate account, but, if the XServe is just being used for an File Storage, it's the ideal solution.

Hope that it helps.
....but of course...
As Eric Idle says in the famous Monty Phyton Sequence: What a silly Bunt I am...
Did as you recommended this morning - and of course it works.

Thanx a lot

John Philip
Hi John,

Glad that I was some help.

If you want to have multiple accounts in the future, what you need to do is create a Group and make sure that all the users in that group have the access privileges etc. Each user in that Group will have the same ID tag, so therefore, they should have the same access rights.

In theory, this should work...

Have had the users in a group before - but same problem.
Will try again - but this time - very carefully - assure that the user-rights are all the same..
Probably won't have time today - but will get back to you as soon as it has been attempted

Thanx again

John Philip
I don’t know why your customer has these problems I have the same configuration and I don’t have problems. Can you be more specific with the detail like what version of Photoshop are you running? Where are you running Photoshop in the client or server site?

For the second point It sounds to me that you have a Access Privileges problem.

You can write me an email at
:eek: :confused:
Originally posted by Guiarb
I don?t know why your customer has these problems I have the same configuration and I don?t have problems. Can you be more specific with the detail like what version of Photoshop are you running? Where are you running Photoshop in the client or server site?

For the second point It sounds to me that you have a Access Privileges problem.

You can write me an email at
:eek: :confused:

The advice above solved the problem.
Maybe you should contact Apple Premium Support, as they claim the problem is well known to them as described by me earlier in this thread.
They would probably be interested (hopefully) to find out why this problem is not on your configuration.
Anyway, they use Photoshop 7.0.x and runs it on the clients. The files resides on the server - and are commonly not copied to the workstations to save time and to 'control' corrections (i.e. two people making corrections on the same file on their separate workstation and then overwriting each others corrections upon copying the files back to the server).
As I said the advice above solved all issues.

Thanx anyway, and have a nice weekend

John Philip
'control' corrections (i.e. two people making corrections on the same file on their separate workstation and then overwriting each others corrections upon copying the files back to the server).
This is what the WorkGroup / WEBDAV Server is for. You check out files so no else can use them. When you are done you check it back in and then they can be edited by someone else.