
I like it! Im tired of iTools, .mac sounds so much cooler. Besides, we already have too many "i"things out there already - iMac, iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, iBook, iTools - Im sick of the the iCrap! All of it sounds like it's made for little kids. I remember back in the day, Steve Jobs was even called iCEO. *Flame Shield On* :p
There was already some confusion with Tenons "iTools", which is their web serving software. So Apple changing the name is fine with me. .Mac is OK, so long as they rename the other services to "MacCards", and "MacDisk".
This is fine until someone tries going to your webpage at http://www.YourWebpage.mac or tries emailing your at YourEmailAddress@mac.mac I don't think .mac is a recognized 3-letter extension like .com, .net, .org, .gov, and .mil. I don't think it's going to fly too well with the public. It's going to confuse the internet illiterate, especially if they've been confounded with M$ Windows.

Heh heh. Brilliant. Albeit much too .NET-ish. But now they own a top-level domain. Something that Microsoft can't boast with their .NET thingy.
i like the .Mac idea, however I dont think they're going to change the deaglefiveo@mac.com to deaglefiveo@mac.mac. Thats just stupid, and I'm hopping that there isn't such insolence over in Cupertino.
I dont know if they'll change the services to MacCards, or MacDisk either. They may give them other names, but hopefully not those ; they sound cluttered.*shrug*
Apple doesn't have the ability to add a new suffix to the internet standards stuff, so obviously it's working off of the homepage.mac.com aspect of things.

I don't believe that Apple is trying capitalize on the whole .net thing as the functionality is completely different. Maybe just bad timing on the name switch? :confused:
Originally posted by julguribye

iCEO means internal CEO


no iCEO means Interim Cheif Executive Officer.

"Interim" meaning temporary or not permanent.

Jobs was CEO of PIXAR and hadn't decided if he was going to go back to Apple (ha ha) so he was using that title to let everyone know he wasn't 100% back.

Large companies often hire/promote people in an Interim position while they look for a replacement or determin if that person is qualified for the position.;)
Originally posted by wdw_
I like the name .mac.

I'm just worried about Apple being accused of steeling from Micro$oft.

As hard as this is to believe, just the idea of having iChat is something they stole from Microsoft. MS has a proprietary messenger, Apple needs the closest thing to that. That's just my opinion of course. Even Mail.app is like a proprietary ripoff of Outlook Express.

But after years of having their ideas stolen by Microsoft, Apple shouldn't be berated for borrowing two small and meaningless ideas from MS.

Originally posted by chemistry_geek
This is fine until someone tries going to your webpage at http://www.YourWebpage.mac or tries emailing your at YourEmailAddress@mac.mac I don't think .mac is a recognized 3-letter extension like .com, .net, .org, .gov, and .mil. I don't think it's going to fly too well with the public. It's going to confuse the internet illiterate, especially if they've been confounded with M$ Windows.

Personally, I would find that having a three letter extension like .Mac would be pretty cool. Imagine your email address is steve@mac.com, wouldn't it be cool for it to be shortened to steve@mac (if possible, i don't think so though). Makes it very unique.

Originally posted by Annihilatus

As hard as this is to believe, just the idea of having iChat is something they stole from Microsoft. MS has a proprietary messenger, Apple needs the closest thing to that. That's just my opinion of course. Even Mail.app is like a proprietary ripoff of Outlook Express.

But after years of having their ideas stolen by Microsoft, Apple shouldn't be berated for borrowing two small and meaningless ideas from MS.


What are you talking about? Apple saw an opportunity to integrate it's OS with the largest instant messenger software, AIM. They are only making the whole internet experience EASIER for Mac users, which is the whole idea of owning a Mac. I seriously doubt they thought, "Well, now that Microsoft has MSN Messenger, we had better make our own..."

As for the Mail.app being a rip off, that's just lame. What, so Apple can't make their own easy-to-use mail application because MS has one as well?

I'm not a huge Mac addict, I just like the computers, so I'm not getting all defensive here. But what you're trying to say makes little sense to me.
Well I don't know if I agree that Apple "stole" the idea from MS, but the Mail App is very similar to the Entourage version (Out Look on the PC side) I have.

But then again I thought Entourage was very similar to Eudora.

But the whole concept of a mail client app can't really fall under such definition simply because mail apps have been around for so long... much like their browser counter-parts, there are now "standard" features which consumers expect out of them. Who implemented them first seems trivial.

The same thing with Messenger... Although I can't see myself using Apple's version... looks too what's the word... ugly? Yeah, that'll do for now. :p
Originally posted by evildan
much like their browser counter-parts, there are now "standard" features which consumers expect out of them. Who implemented them first seems trivial.

Netscape :)

Originally posted by evildan
The same thing with Messenger... Although I can't see myself using Apple's version... looks too what's the word... ugly? Yeah, that'll do for now. :p

ICQ :)
I hope that Apple doesn't change iTools to .Mac :eek:. Thats just sad.

As for Mail.app being a Entourage rip off, (I believe) Mail.app was originally built by NeXT and was simply used as an e-mail app because there aren't any good (as in cocoa), free alternatives. Entourage wasn't even out for OS X until quite some time after March 24, and it costs $450. Be thankful Mail.app exists.