MacOSX 10.2 to be released in 16 days!



Quote from Apple...

During the week of May 6-10 in San Jose, California, WWDC 2002 attendees will be the first to explore the powerful new capabilities of the next major release of Mac OS X.

Sounds to me like they will be releasing Mac OS X 10.2 at the WWDC in 16 days. What do you think?

Have a great day!

i think that there has been a thread that said the same thing, and everyone just said that it means they'll be able to play around with a beta or a presentation or something like that...:confused:
I'm guessing it is just a demo. Because it says that they will be the first to explore it. It kind of sounds like a sneak peak kind of deal.
I wonder if new iMac owners will have to pay to upgrade? If so, then that might not leave a good taste in the mouths of new Mac users.
I dunno, I bet they'll do like a $20 must pay upgrade for 10.2. Good taste or not, it's still better than Windows :D
Tell a new iMac user they have to pay $20 for an update to their 4 month old $1900 iMac :o

Very, very, very, very bad PR for Apple. :eek:
Tell a windows user to buy WinXP for 200 dollars and then download 100 megs in "Security Updates". Bad PR for Microsoft? I think not.
Strange how the world works :D
Yes, but most Windows users don't upgrade to Windows XP. They just get it with their new computers. And Windows users are used to downloading updates, and don't forget those updates are free. No trips to the local Apple Store with $20 required. I'm sure it'd go over a lot easier if it was at least Free to them with their little software coupons all Mac users get.

I got my 10.1 update for free! I went through MacMall and they gave me a free upgrade (no shipping fee either). I do agree though that Apple should not charge for these updates to users who are still in their first year of ownership...

Have a great day!

Yup, everybody got 10.1 update for free, unless you ordered it from the online Apple Store which then Apple would charge $20 for S&H (How does it cost $20 to send a CD??)

However, 10.2 will probably be on a different scale as it'll have a lot of new features and such.

I agree, atleast through 1 year or half a year of ownership OS updates should be free. In fact, I think that may be what the coupons say that you get with your Mac. Maybe we're worrying for nothing? Hmmm.. :confused:
Given the verbage that Apple has used in the past to describe what is going to be RELEASED and what is going to be DEMONSTRATED, your assumption is most likely wrong.

Giving more fuel to that fire is the fact that Mac OS X 10.1.5 is scheduled to be made available BEFORE then. I again think your supposition is baseless.

Even further, is the fact that Mac OS 10.2 is NOT ready for release - given the instabilities found in the recient developer's release of 10.2 - but since it's not available to you, you might not have realized that.