Monthly Contest


Hey there!
I was considering starting up a monthly "official" design contest! I havn't discussed this with any other team members here at or anybody else, so I'm trying to keep this as open as possible. Where you AND moderators/admins give idea's for this.

Basically I'll setup a specific theme, and each member get's a month to submit their design for whatever the theme is. Right now I have no prizes in mind. "So what's the point" you ask? The point is to have fun! Get these forums a little more active! And share your talents with hundreds of other designers!

An example of a theme I might provide could be anything from "Cars of the year 2020" or "freestyle". The winner would be choosen by myself and a specific panel of judges, and their winning peice would be praised by all here on the DTP forum.

What do you all think? If we get enough people to support the idea, and I get the "go ahead" from the moderators/administrators the first contest will begin next month!
I love the idea of having a contest or at least a forum where we can post our work to show other members, but I have one request. Please, PLEASE, don't end up doing contests like "photoshop this woman on a bike" or the type of contests that or have. This site is too, hmm... well... it's above that level. Not saying that those types of sites are bad, but I don't think that the moderators nor the members of this community would enjoy the surge of geeks and nerds that come with said contests.

Ideas like, design a new interface look, or maybe, ideas for 'Powerbook G5' (which I have heard from a reliable source that they are well underway to bring out late 2004 - early 2005).

Like I said, I feel that doing something along design contests or forums are a good idea, but I don't think we should get to carried away with ideas like those of 'the other' sites.

All the best,
i think its a great idea too, possibly something like this site which has a specific topic but leaves it to be open, also, maybe every two weeks instead of a month, so it isnt so long in btw. But i would def. post stuff

Maybe "Design a new theme for this site, the winner gets his/her theme as an option in the User Control Panel."
Hmm... My idea would be: Useful desktop pictures. There's a lack of those in this universe. Sure, there are tons of interesting, nice, beautiful, ugly whatever desktop pictures, but what about those that really help you get your work done? Heck: THAT's the part where we can add to the already great GUI of Mac OS X! ;-)
I've got the themes thing down. They'll be usefull and fun! Nothing stupid or pointless. So you can expect them to be fun...but at the same time challenging.
Useful desktop backgrounds ... hmmm ...
I know of a guy who put a nice 10x10 grid as desktop picture: helps him keep the icons organised, can even be used as guides, etc.

OTOH, I can imagine someone putting a colour scale in the background: a nice rainbow image with names, RGB values and corresponding hex-codes.

Or putting in the background that famous quote / formula of that famous person / book you're writing a paper on.

Or keeping it blank so it doesn't distract you ;)

Or blue, for calming effect!

Or ...

Well, Fryke, what did you have in mind?
You have some really good ideas there Cat other then the fact that what you see on screen for colour, is not what you see when you print. There are many variations within programs and hardware that change the way colours look. The grid thing I think is a good idea other then the fact that a: screens don't come in a 1:1 aspect ratio and b: there is already a snap to grid option for you icons so they can be organized, what would be good would be your calming images. The grid system would work if it was divided into sections which had different topics of classifications: ie students schoolwork - Freelance - drives etc...

I think the idea and concepts are great but think of the practicality of them. But make a few, lets see, I am being honest, I am interested in seeing if you can pull off something that might just work.
Potter, people don't usually print their desktop backgrounds, so the color issue is more of a nonissue.

The computers in the labs at school have a desktop background with the rules on it, as in no food or drink, no email, etc. so you see it as soon as you get on. So I can see how they'd be useful for that.
Ok well, this idea has been discussed over with Scott. You can expect something soon, just not too soon. :)

Thanks for all the input by the way! It was very appriciated!