CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Mar 20, 2006 #10,548 Queen (…who did a white one –*A Night at the Opera –*and a black one – A Day at the Races)
Queen (…who did a white one –*A Night at the Opera –*and a black one – A Day at the Races)
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Mar 21, 2006 #10,553 ora said: partridge Click to expand... family (Showing my age again!)
M Mobius Rex Registered Mar 21, 2006 #10,559 GWBUSHDCHENEYCRICEDRUMSFELD (That's one word, right?.......I guess that would constitute one big pile of shit)
GWBUSHDCHENEYCRICEDRUMSFELD (That's one word, right?.......I guess that would constitute one big pile of shit)
Gig' Listen2BobMarley Mar 21, 2006 #10,560 Mobius Rex said: GWBUSHDCHENEYCRICEDRUMSFELD (That's one word, right?.......I guess that would constitute one big pile of shit) Click to expand... Yes it does.... garbage (could do too ? and its in the dictionary...)
Mobius Rex said: GWBUSHDCHENEYCRICEDRUMSFELD (That's one word, right?.......I guess that would constitute one big pile of shit) Click to expand... Yes it does.... garbage (could do too ? and its in the dictionary...)