pds Registered Nov 8, 2005 #9,822 Moooooooo ::evil::longhorn steer ::evil:: (of course cows say Boooo in Dutch )
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Nov 8, 2005 #9,824 µ (for those that don't know, that's a "mu" sign)
Cat Registered Nov 8, 2005 #9,826 Ø (Which is either a capital letter "ø" or the sign for the empty set ... you decide!)
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Nov 8, 2005 #9,827 ö which is the Swedish version of the Danish/Norwegian ø (I'm a linguist, dammit, not a mathematician/scientist/programmer) How silly is this getting?
ö which is the Swedish version of the Danish/Norwegian ø (I'm a linguist, dammit, not a mathematician/scientist/programmer) How silly is this getting?
bbloke Registered Nov 10, 2005 #9,838 groan (As in: it reminded me of a poor joke! "My wife went to the Caribbean recently." "Oh, really? Jamaica?" "No, she went of her own free will." ) (Sorry...)
groan (As in: it reminded me of a poor joke! "My wife went to the Caribbean recently." "Oh, really? Jamaica?" "No, she went of her own free will." ) (Sorry...)
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Nov 10, 2005 #9,839 bbloke said: groan (As in: it reminded me of a poor joke! "My wife went to the Caribbean recently." "Oh, really? Jamaica?" "No, she went of her own free will." ) (Sorry...) Click to expand... puke (making the association with the joke, obviously... And I thought I already felt sick with this oncoming flu... )
bbloke said: groan (As in: it reminded me of a poor joke! "My wife went to the Caribbean recently." "Oh, really? Jamaica?" "No, she went of her own free will." ) (Sorry...) Click to expand... puke (making the association with the joke, obviously... And I thought I already felt sick with this oncoming flu... )
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Nov 10, 2005 #9,840 vomit (which is what authors and commissioning editors make me wanna do!)