Zammy-Sam Desertchild Jan 3, 2006 #9,961 6 (Hmmm, could this be? I found the word "iMac" only 6 times in this thread [search: "iMac" in Cafe and thread with at least 9000 replies and results shown as threads])
6 (Hmmm, could this be? I found the word "iMac" only 6 times in this thread [search: "iMac" in Cafe and thread with at least 9000 replies and results shown as threads])
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Jan 3, 2006 #9,962 200_ (AaCcKk!!! What happened to the forum view all of a suddeen? Me no like! )
pds Registered Jan 3, 2006 #9,966 XXXtoo longXXX over-abundance (the poster info bar I mean. me no like too.) because cat is faster than I am
XXXtoo longXXX over-abundance (the poster info bar I mean. me no like too.) because cat is faster than I am
bbloke Registered Jan 3, 2006 #9,968 "Wall Street" (as in: the movie) (Mmmm, the forum appearances certainly seemed to have taken a turn for the worse, in my view too... )
"Wall Street" (as in: the movie) (Mmmm, the forum appearances certainly seemed to have taken a turn for the worse, in my view too... )
pds Registered Jan 3, 2006 #9,969 pot and kettle (as in movies / wallstreet - calling each other greedy - pot calling the kettle black - oh well - it did spring happily to mind.)
pot and kettle (as in movies / wallstreet - calling each other greedy - pot calling the kettle black - oh well - it did spring happily to mind.)
bbloke Registered Jan 4, 2006 #9,976 wrench (although why monkeys need wrenches always baffled me... )
M Mobius Rex Registered Jan 4, 2006 #9,977 wench (I think I'd much rather have a wench handy than a monkey or a wrench)